Chapter 13

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     Harry, Niall, and I are bent over, laughing so hard we can barely stay on our feet. When we finally gain enough strength back to look over the edge of the railing we are met by four very unhappy faces. Although, unhappy is more of an understatement. Some better words would be furious, enraged, irate. Normally these faces would strike someone as scary or intimidating, but it just fueled our laughter more. Finally fed up of seeing how happy we were with our 'little prank' , Louis yelled up to us "I swear I'm going to kill you all ! You freaking scared us half to death you bastards!"

     After that we see him run inside, probably coming after us.

"Quick! Shut the door!" I giggle.

     We run over, and make sure we lock it. I slide down the door frame, leaning against the thin white panel, using our bodies as barricades. 

"I'm so in for it. You guys are lucky you get to leave tonight." I laugh.

"You can come with me back to my place if you want..." Harry says cheekily with a wink.

     I really don't understand this curly-haired boy. One minute he can be a sweet, polite gentleman. The next he is cheeky, flirty, and seems like he's after more than I'm going to give him.

"Nah, I think I'll tough it out here." I laugh, flashing him a smile. If he is after me, I can at least play hard to get, right?

"Suit yourself. But trust me, your missing out." He grins.

"Oh stop Harry. If given the choice, she would obviously come to my house, not yours." Nialls joins in confidently.

"Honestly, I probably would." I admit with a smile.

Niall flashes a knowing smile and Harry pretends to look hurt.

"Wha- Why?!" Harry stumbles, obviously not used to getting rejected.

"I don't know. Guess I trust him more." I laugh, and pinch the Irish boy's cheek.

"Woooooh!!!" Niall cheers behind me as Harry mumbles a 'whatever.'

     I push myslef up from the floor and say "Well I guess none of them are coming to get us. Safe to go."

     I swing the door open, Niall and Harry following behind. This time is was our turn to be met with a surprise.

     Four mayonaise covered bodies envelope us in huge hugs. In all our atempts to get away, somehow we end up on the ground, wrestling in a big....mess.

"Lou! GET OFF!" I shriek with laughter as he pins me down, smearing the condiment on my face.

"How do you like it now!?" He yells back, unable to contain his laughter.


        About an hour later, after everyone had cleaned up and gone home, the numbers on my phone flipped to 4:00 a.m.

"Gosh Lou, I'm so tired. I think I'm gonna head to bed." I say, trying to constrain a yawn.

"Yeah. I was too. But what did I get? Shrill beeping in my ear, and the worst creation ever smeared in my gorgeous hair." He says with a smirk, runninghis hands through his hair yet again.

"Get over it. Oh God your reactions, too funny." I laugh tiredly, rossing a pillow in his general direction.

"Mhm I bet." He says plainly, although I can tell a smile is tugging at his lips. 

     I slowly rise from the couch, and make my way towards the stairs.

"Night Lou." I call to him. "Night Kendall." He calls back.

     That night i fall into a deep and peaceful sleep, the thought not even occuring to me that Louis would aim for payback.

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New In TownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora