Chapter 24

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     When I return to the hotel room after my eventful dinner with the boys, it's just past eight o'clock and three girls are running around, frantically applying make-up and curling their hair to perfection.

"Uh, what's up?" I ask casually, glancing down at the large yellow stain on the front of my white t-shirt. Niall spilled his lemonade all over me on accident. Louis threw spaghetti, Harry sang songs,  and Liam and Zayn battled each other with their silverware. Yes, all of this happened in a restaurant full of people. Let's just say we left a pretty big tip for our poor waitress who had to put up with our crazy antics. I'm still honestly surprised we didn't get kicked out.

"Oh hey  Kendall! We didn't see you come in!" Jessica practically squeals. Well this is weird......

"Uh yeah. Where are you guys going?" I ask, setting my bag on the bed, and zipping up my jacket.

"There's a club down the street. A bunch of people are going, you should totally come!" She says in an annoying high-pitch voice, with the other two girls nodding furiously behind her.

     Why the hell is she being so nice? Oh right, she knows Louis is my brother now. So that is what this is about.

"Yeah, I guess I will." Well, I don't have anything else to do tonight.

"Okay, hurry up and get changed, we're leaving at nine!" She claps her hands together, and hurries over to apply yet another coat of thick black mascara.

     I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a sparkly tank top with a leather jacket and combat boots. I feel under dressed compared to the other girls in short sleeveless cocktail dresses. But, I've never been one to dress up a lot, especially in such revealing outfits.

     As I make my way towards the door, where the rest of the girls are standing, tucking stray pieces of hair behind their ears, I see Jessica watching me, and I look up at her.

"You know you could always invite your brother and his friends....if you want to." She says calmly, but almost in a rude tone.

"I...uh, I think they're busy tonight." I comment, as we walk out the door, and down the long corridor of the hotel.

"Oh. How come you never told us before?" She presses on, making me slightly more uncomfortable than I already was, if that's possible.

"Just never came up I guess." I try and end the conversation. She may seem like she's being nice, but I can hear the persecuting sting behind each of her words. If she's is truly being kind in any way, she's just using me. Obviously she can't tell that I can see right through her lies, and I'm not one to deal with fake people.

     The taxi ride to the club a few blocks away was awkward to say the least. I feel refreshed when I step out of the small, stuffy car. The tension inside made it difficult to breathe. As we make our way toward the tall building, I can already hear the pounding beat of the bass. When we get inside the smell of sweat and alcohol mixes in my nostrils.Not the best scent to be greeted with, but a scent that let's you know the people in here are having fun.

     I make my way to the bar, and ask for a soda. I'm only 15, well almost 16, but still nowhere near old enough to drink. Actually I'm not even sure how we got in here, I wasn't asked to show an i.d. Jessica seemed to know the man at the front. He let her right in, and we followed.

     It's not a huge place, but the amount of people on the dance floor probably makes it seems smaller than it actually is. I sit alone at a small table in the side, having already lost sight of the three girls I came with. They are probably in the middle of the crowd dancing, and I'm sitting. Sitting alone, because I really don't know how to act in these situations.

     After about 15 minutes of watching and observing the grinding crowd, I decide to get up and find some action of my own. I walk confidently towards the crowd, not really sure what I'm going after. I dance a bit, making my way into the large mass of people. What I find at the center of the sweaty bodies is interesting. Jessica, with her already too-short dress hiked up her thigh. She's grinding, getting pretty into it. That's when I notice who her "dancing" partner is.



*Little bit of a Cliff hanger for you, the next chapter will also take place in the club sooooo get ready! Already have some ideas, so hope to update soon! How are you guys liking the story?

Have any of you read 'After' and 'After 2'? They're amazing right? I'm so addicted.

Love you guys, by the way, thank you SO much for over 1k reads, means a lot. 

Keep readinggggg (: *

-Rachelllll xx.

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