Chapter 23

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     The next day I wake up early, ready for the first day of song rehearsals. I find my self sitting alone at breakfast, the spot next to me where the Nathan would be, empty. I sigh, missing his company already. 

     I actually don't see him all day. The morning is filled with meetings with song-writers and producers, guiding us in finding the perfect song to perform this week. I decide on singing "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson. It's recent, and edgy, and it's one of my favorite songs. It's one of those songs you find yourself still singing in the shower, hours after you heard it on the radio. I'm only nervous about singing it because I dont't want to mess it up. I know that sounds silly, but let's face it, she's a vocal powerhouse.

     I walk down a long, bland hallway, searching for room 201. Now, we will be meeting with our mentor for the week, and they will help us get started on singing our chosen song. 'How weird will this be,' I think to myself after remembering it will either be my brother or one of his best friends.

     I pull open the wood panel door to find Zayn and the three girls Jessica, Hailey, and Lily from the band I share my hotel room with, sitting awkwardly close to him. They are staring at him like he is a piece of meat, practically drooling. Great, this will be fun. 5 or 6 other people sit towards the back of the room, obviously overwhelmed by the star's presence.

"And there's Kendall. I believe she is the only one left to arrive in our class." He stands, offering me a smile and a tight hug. As we pull away I catch a glimpse of the girls' faces, obviously not expecting me to be delivered this type of greeting.

"How do you know her?" Jessica asks confidently, and I can sense a hint of disgust disguised in her voice.

"Oh, Kendall? She's Louis' sister." Zayn replies calmly, pulling a chair from the side of the room for me to sit in.

"How unfair." Jessica huffs under her breath.

     Zayn tells us to look over our lyrics, and work on singing by ourselves. One at a time, he begins to call people up individually to give advice and constructive criticism. I can't help but roll my eyes at the way 'You are love.' stares longingly at Zayn. Especially Jessica. When they are alone with him, in the corner of the room, I feel like one of them is going to burn a whole through his head if they stare at him for one more second. It's kind of annoying really, how desperate for his attention they are. Zayn seems relieved when he calls me up, seeing as I am the last one.

"Interesting bunch aren't they?" I laugh as I take a seat next to him. I can see why those girls stare at him so much, he is very attractive, but there is no need to make it so obvious.

"Definitely. I think I might like you better though."

"Wow, thanks. What a compliment." I say sarcastically, rolling me eyes.

     He laughs, then tells me I can start the song whenever I want. I begin to tap my toes on the floor, finding the beat. I stare down at the sheets of paper in my hand, as a result of not having the words memorized yet. I don't look up at Zayn for a reaction until I finish the song, resting my papers on my legs, and bringing a nervous hand to swipe the hair from my face. He is my brother's best mate, and yes I have met him before, but it wasn't only a few weeks ago and I don't know him all that well yet. He seems so nice, but let's face it he still famous, and it can be quite intimidating. I just try to think back to when I sang for him and the rest of the boys at Lou's house, and how he had nothing but praise for my singing. Let's hope he hasn't changed his mind now.

"Well I guess we can go now." He says calmly.

"What?" I ask with a surprised tone. I guess I was expecting some sort of feedback.

"I have nothing to say. That was as perfect as your gonna get it. You were on pitch with every note, it had emotion and depth, everything you need to sell your performance and wow the audience." He smiles, squeezing my shoulder.

     I'm sure my mouth is hanging open, but I'm too surprised to shut it. He really thought it was that good? I don't reply, so he continues.

"Kendall, what I'm saying is, from the other competitors I've seen so far, you could win this whole thing." He smiles enthusiastically.

"You really think that?" I ask, still shocked. I'm sure my eyes are shining along with my teeth, as I can't stop smiling.

"Yup. I'd bet money on it. Everyone is going to love you, your personality, and your singing when you make it to the  live shows." Zayn says standing up, and offering me a hand.

"Alright, you guys can get back to your hotel now." Zayn calls out to the class, motioning towards the door. They all get up to leave, some waving and calling out goodbyes. I stay behind and walk next to Zayn out the door.

"Thanks Zayn, that means a lot." I finally reply.

"Yeah, and Kendall? You seem really cool. I hope we can get to know each other better. I'm sure I will be seeing more of you now that Louis finally got the balls to bring you here and introduce you to us." He smiles.

     I laugh, particularly at his choice of words, and reply, "Yeah I hope so too."

     Our conversation is cut off as the rest of the boys come filing out of various rooms down the hall, following their classes.

"Hey lads." Zayn calls out, causing them to turn and face us. Zayn seems to be ignored as I immediately receive greetings from all of the boys.

"Hey guys." I reply with laughter, referring to all of them at once.

     After the hello's are said, an Irish accent calls out, "Kendall, would'ya like to join us for some dinner?" He suggests, earning affirmation from the rest of the band.

"Of course." I smile, following them into the parking lot to search for Louis' car.

*Don't forget to voteeeee! comment if you want, too. You can comment what ya think, predictions, rand stuff I really don't care haha. SO CLOSE to 1,000 reads! That's insane! Thank you to each and every one of you who have ever read a chapter., it means a lot!*

Don't forget to check out my new story, 'How To Save A Life.' I think it is going to turn out pretty good!

Thanks guys! You're all beautiful!

-Rachel xxxxxx

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