Chapter 14

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     I awake the next morning, stretching my arms high above my head. I unplug my phone fromthe outlet next to my bed, scrolling through my twitter page. Oh yeah! I forgot to post the video of the action last night.

@Kendall_Tommo: Never knew mayonaise could create so much fun.(;

     I posted that, along with a link to the video, comments immediately flowing in. I smirk to myself, knowing this was a very good prank, even though I ended up getting covered in mayo too. 

     I make my my way downstairs, gripping the fridge handle and swinging the stainless steel door open. I grab my usual Saturday-morning-breakfast, snackpack vanilla pudding. I dip my spoon into it, and take a seat at the counter. I lift the spoon to my mouth, surrounding the spoon with my lips

"GROSS! What is wrong with this pudding?!?!" I yell out, spitting it from my mouth. Then I's mayonaise. 

"Louis William Tomlinson!" I yell only, to see his face peek out of a doorway.

"Yessss?' He asks, acting sweet and innocent. " How was your breakfast?"

"I hate you." That's all I reply as I dump the pudding into the trash bin, trying to contain my laughter. He got me.


@Louis_Tomlinson: Two can play at this game.

That's what I see later on, with a link of my reaction to his prank. 10 days until X-Factor. Oh my. I step into my brother's room, prepared to call a treuce.

"Alright Lou, the prank war is over....for now. I need your help."

"Whadd'ya need?" He says with a smile, happy that I admitted defeat.'

"What in the world am I gonna sing for the auditions?! Only ten more days!" I cry out, flopping down onto his bed.

"Hmm let's look up some good songs." He suggests, opening a new browser on his laptop.


After an hour of a-z lyric pages and youtube karaokes, we've finally found the perfect song. Big Girls Don't Cry , by Fergie. It's an amazing song, that Louis and I both decided would show off my vocal skills. I retreat back to my room, learning the chords for the song on my guitar. Once, I have them down, I sing a long.

The smell of your skin lingers on me now,

Your probably on your flight back to your hometown.

I need some shelter of my own protection baby, 

To be with my self and center, clarity, peace, serenity

     My fingers brush lightly over the smooth guitar strings, strumming ever so finely for this slow and emotional beginning.  All of a sudden the doorbell rings, and Louis' voice yells, "Ken, can you get the door? I'm on the phone!"

     I jog to the front door, grasping the brass nob.

"Hi Harry."

"Hello Kendall." He says quietly, pulling me in for a hug.

"What ya doing here?" I ask curiously.

"I finally got Lou to let me come over. We're gonna watch the football game. Of course you can join us, if ya want." He says with a laugh.

"Actually I might. I really like sports." I say with a smirk.

"Really? Wow. Well you won't be alone, I think Meg is coming too."

"Yay!" I say with a clap of my hands. " Shall we get some snacks prepared Harold?" I say in a jokingly proper voice.

"I think we shall." He says, equally as proper, his dimples prominent on both sides of his wide smile. I link my arm through his outstretched elbow, and we actually skip into the kitchen. I feel like a little kid, fits of laughter coming over me, and it feels amazing.

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