Chapter 25

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     I'm not really sure what to do. The guy I like, standing right in front of me, grinding with a girl I despise. But, I really can't blame either of them. Jessica didn't know I liked him, not that she would care anyway. Nathan was told to never come near me again by my annoying brother.

     I am debating in my mind whether or not to stay, or run out of the club. I begin to turn around to leave, when Nathan looks up and catches my gaze. He puts his hand on Jessica's hip and I sigh, turning a bit farther. He pushes her away, and takes a step towards me. This isn't what I was expecting.

"Kendall.." He begins, and I can tell already from his glossy, bloodshot eyes he is drunk. Very drunk. I remember the same look in my Dad's eyes when I was younger. It's the kind of thing where you have no idea what they're going to do next and it scares you. It's a look I was hoping I wouldn't have to see again.

     I keep pushing my way through the crowd, very aware that he is right behind me, bumping and pushing his way through. I finally make it to a much less crowded far corner near the restrooms, before I turn to face him.

"Hey." I state simply, dropping my eyes to the ground.

"Hi...Me and her...she's nothing, and..." He tries to slur his way through the sentence, but I stop him.

"It's fine. We're not even supposed to be seeing each other anyway, remember?" I remind him, recreating the distance between us that he keeps trying to close.

"You know I like you...a lot." He sounds like a 3rd grader, trying to convince someone to be his girlfriend. It's kind of cute in a way, but I try not to let myself give in.

"Nathan, I can't even have a real conversation with you when you're this drunk." I tell him, and he smirks.

"Alright, let's not talk then." He uses both hands, pushing me against the wall, and forces his lips on mine. The alcohol on his breath is overpowering and this is nothing like the wonderful first kiss we shared. I finally push him away, but he doesn't move very far.

"Come on Kendall, have some fun." He coaxes, trying to grab my waist again.

"Nathan, stop really." I say, as I pry his hand off.

     He just laughs. I glance behind him and see Jessica strutting towards us in her tall heels with shot glass of tequila in her hand. Great.

"I finally found you two..." She slurs. Oh yay, now I have two insane drunk people to deal with. I realyl should have never come, this is just not my ideal setting.

     She grabs Nathan's arm, her sparkly pointed nails poking into his bicep. "You ran off with my dancing partner, bitch." She accuses me. Now that the alcohol is coursing through her veins, her fake personality from earlier is wearing off, and I've found the real Jessica again.

"I didn't really...." I begin to protest, but decide it's not worth it to fight with her. "You know what? Nevermind. Just take him, go "dance" again." I reply, using air quotes.

"Don't mind if I do..." She begins to tug on his arm, but he doesn't budge.

"Nope, I'm alright." He tells her, shooing her away. She looks almost hurt at first, but quickly recovers. She rolls her eyes, strutting off, knowing she will easily find some other horny guy to dance with.

"I think I'm going to leave..." I tell him, as I reach down to grab my clutch.

"I will too." He follows me outside into the cold evening air. He stands next to me, too close, but too far at the same time.

     I wait for a few minutes, unable to catch an empty taxi.

"How about we go to that bar down the street? It's cold out here." Nathan suggests, turning to walk that way.

"I really think a bar is the last place you need to be going..." I start to protest, but find myself following him down the sidewalk anyway. I walk quietly next to him, and stop only when he swings the wooden door open, motioning for me to step in.

     The atmosphere in the small bar is much different than the club. There is soft rock music playing in the background, the only other noise is the clanking of beer bottles, and mindless drunk chatter. Most of the booths and bar stools are taken by older men, a few of their wives among the mix.

     Nathan makes his way towards the bar tender, and I follow nervously. 

"2 Buds please." Nathan says, flashing his i.d.

     I sit in a stool next to him, glancing awkwardly at the bottle he's just placed in front of me.

"I don't drink. I'm 15." I tell him, pushing it towards him, but then pulling it back, because it's not like he needs another one. He's already downed half of his bottle, and he'll probably be passed out on the floor if he has anymore.

"Don't say it too loud, they'll kick us out." He jokes. "Come on, one beer won't hurt." I debate in my head, but decide he's right. 

     "Oh, what the hell." I say out loud, tipping the bottle towards my mouth, and letting out a laugh when I set it back down, completely empty.

"I'll have another."

*Hey guyssssss. I decide to update while I'm waiting for the After update haha. Hope you like it1 Don't forget to vote and comment! THANKS FOR 1.3K READS! Mwah :*, love ya!*

-Rachel xxxxxx.

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