chapter one

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You woke up in an unfamiliar apartment. Bookshelves lining the interior walls, dim lighting, and dark furniture. The previous night's events and your headache then hit you.

Two Weeks Earlier

It was a Wednesday, the day you and your closest friend, Luke, always grabbed breakfast together. Waiting on him, you walked inside and got in line to order your coffee, as well as his, before placing your things down at the table.

Getting up to add more sugar into your coffee, you almost bump into someone. "I'm so sorry!", the tall stranger with wavy brown hair said frantically. "Did I spill any coffee on you?".

"No you're good don't worry", you smiled at him. "I haven't seen you before and I come here every week, what's your name?".

"It's Spencer", he said smiling back. "And yours?"

"Y/n". As soon as you were about to continue the conversation, Spencer received a phone call and stepped away for a moment, flashing you an apologetic smile.

"Reid we have a case in Miami, and it's not a pretty one. Pack your bags professor", said Garcia on the other end of the line.

Spencer came back over to you and apologized, explaining that he was just called in by his job. "It was great meeting you y/n", he said.

"Same to you Spencer", you said, extending your hand towards him.

Not meeting your hand, Spencer said, "You know, the number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss".

"Is that so?". *Did he just flirt with me?* "Well, here's my number. Maybe when you get back in town we can hang out some time", you said.

"I'd like that", he smiled and walked out of the coffee shop.

Feeling a buzz in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.

New Text Message from Luke
Sorry y/n, I was about to get there when I got called in by my job. Call you when I'm back home.

You were slightly annoyed but understood how unpredictable his job could be at times. "No problem Luke, talk soon :)", you responded.

A/N: Hey babes! Thank you so much to the two people reading this  <3 It's my first fic as you can tell and I've honestly had everything planned out, besides the beginning and what leads to the rising action, which I still don't fully have planned out but I'll just write and see how I can connect it to the ending I have planned (so an entire two months passed by after writing this author's note as it was originally at the top of Ch 1, and NOW is when I'm actually starting to write 😃).

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