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Everything seemed to slow down for Dipper.

He was feeling conflicted.

On the one hand, his best friend (and possibly more) just confessed his love to him, and made a deal with a demon to get his eyesight back.

On the other hand, said best friend turned out to be the very demon who he had suspected to cause his blindness.

He felt betrayal, sadness, anger, and hurt.

He stared at Bill's collapsed human body. Mabel's original description didn't do Bill's human form justice. His vibrant yellow hair with a black undercut, his beautiful tanned skin, his scrawny tall figure, Dipper found himself silently wishing Bill had just been a normal human.

But no. This was reality. Bill, was...well, he was Bill. Not human Bill Picher but the demon Bill Cipher.

But he made a deal with Tad Strange to get my vision back? What did Bill give to get my vision back? Dipper wondered.

He looked at Tad Strange, who simply watched him.

"Is he...?" Dipper began but couldn't finish.

"Dead? No, but he's certainly not the same." Tad said.

"What was the deal?" Dipper asked.

"You to get your vision back. He also implied I couldn't harm your family, so I guess I could hold that up too." Tad said. He twirled a game-like umbrella on one finger.

"But what he did do?" Dipper asked.

"He made a deal of course. Once he figured out I was the one who had cursed you, well, he seemed pretty determined to reverse the curse. I have to hand it to you, you managed to make a demon fall for you pretty hard, not many humans can do that. You intrigue me Dipper Pines." Tad said.

"Wait, you placed the curse!?" Dipper asked. Tad thought for a moment.

"Well, yes, yes I did. Why do you ask?" Tad said casually.

"I've been blaming Bill this whole time! And it was you! Why?" Dipper asked, emotion edging into his voice.

"You see, weirdmagedon didn't just benefit Bill and his demons, it benefited all demons, and when you and your family ruined it I missed that feeling of power. I had to do something to keep myself entertained." Tad said simply.

"What did you do to him!?" Dipper demanded. Tad laughed.

"He simply gave up something he will surely miss and a little something extra." Tad said sinisterly.

"You...you took away his humanity didn't you?" Dipper asked, afriad he might be right.

"That would have been a good idea." Tad mused, then he laughed.

"No, it's almost the opposite actually." Tad said. He looked down at a watch on his wrist.

"Well, would you look at the time, it appears I need to be going." Tad said. He tipped his hat in my direction before vanishing.

"Come back here!" Dipper yelled into the woods.

But no one answered.

Dipper looked down at Bill's unconscious body once again.

All his conflicted feelings floated around in his head. It all bubbled up in his mind until he was crying.

He sunk to his knees next to Bill, hot tears falling down his face. He heard his phone ringing but he ignored it.

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