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The next day Dipper and Bill decided to hang out after school at the Mystery Shack.

Bill didn't particularly like going to the Mystery Shack. It always made him feel anxious and nauseous.

But it's worth it to hang out with Pine Tree-...I MEAN, to get information on the Pines family...yeah, that's definitely what I mean. Bill thought, trying to solve his internal conflict by attempting to deny any human emotions he was feeling. And failing miserably.

He didn't understand what it was about this kid that made him feel so...human.

He felt his internal conflict rise into a war inside his own mind and he wasn't sure which side was winning anymore.

And if he was being honest, he couldn't even remember what his original plan was anymore either.

He did his best to organize his own thoughts but found them clouded with thoughts of the blind boy that sat next to him.

Maybe if I distance myself I could clear my head. He thought but found he could barely even scoot an inch away, let alone try and completely leave Dipper.

After his attempt to end his internal dilemma, his mind wandered to other thoughts.

One being the elephant in the room.

If I didn't give Dipper his blindness, then who did?

He had a long list of demons he knew that were definitely capable of doing it.

But who would have a personal vendetta against Dipper?

Bill saw how he had jumped to the conclusion that it was Bill.

As far as Bill knew, Dipper didn't really have any other enemies that would target him specifically. Other than Bill's own former henchman. But the only one who could have pulled off the whole blindness thing was Pyronica. But she didn't tend to use minor curses like blindness. She preferred physical pain over mental pain.



Dipper laughed.

"I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes. I thought you might have fallen asleep." Dipper said.

"Sorry. Just...lost in thought." Bill said.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Dipper asked.

"Just stuff..." Bill said, "Hey Mason Jar, just curious, were there any other demons here...you know, other than the triangle guy?"

"Hmm, well there was his own minions," Dipper said, "And there was this other guy who I was always suspicious about. But he didn't do anything bad to any of our family."

"What was his name?" Bill asked.

"Tad Strange."

The name echoed through Bill's mind.

He knew that name all too well.

Tad Strange was a demon. In fact, he was one of the strongest demons out there.

Bill had no idea Tad was in Gravity Falls.

And Tad Strange was definitely the kind of demon who would be entertained with Physiological traumas, like making someone blind.

"Bill, you okay?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah...Just tired, that's all." Bill reassured.

"Listen...there was kinda something I wanted to talk to you about..." Dipper said, awkwardly turning his head away from Bill.


"We've known each other for a little while now...and you're the only person who's really wanted to be around me. And who's been nice to me since I went blind..." Dipper began.

"I just...I...um...sorry, I'm really bad at words," Dipper said, his face going red.

For some reason, Bill felt the urge to kiss the boy. The way he looked so cute when he got all flustered and his face got all red.

He resisted the urge. He knew Dipper was gay, but he didn't want to push the boy and possibly make him uncomfortable.

"What I'm trying to say is...you're really great...and I'm really glad you're in my life," Dipper said.

Dipper looked back in Bill's general direction. His face pink, his eyes sparkling, his hair messy, as he had taken off his hat earlier.

Bill couldn't help himself.

He leaned in, closing the gap between them, and connected their lips.

Dipper tensed up, surprised at first, then melted into the kiss.

Bill slowly ran his fingers through Dipper's soft, chocolate-colored hair.

When they finally pulled apart, Bill imminently scooted away from Dipper.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just...it was in the heat of the moment. I'm so sorry Dipper." Bill said quickly, feeling extremely embarrassed.

I don't know what came over me. He thought, this boy just makes me feel so strange.

"It's ok Bill," Dipper said, "And if I'm being honest...I probably would have done it too...you know, if I could see anyway..."

Bill's face went even redder.

"R-Really?" Bill said, mentally cursing his stuttering.

"Yeah...I really like you, Bill. You're more than just a great friend." Dipper admitted.

"I like you too." Bill found himself saying.

Dipper smiled.

"Do you think...umm...maybe we could do that...again?" Dipper asked.

"The kissing?" Bill asked. Dipper nodded.

Bill placed a hand on Dipper's cheek, slowly caressing it with his thumb, before leaning in and connecting their lips once again.

They were interrupted by the door opening.

"Dipper, I need to-oh...I see you're busy. I can come back later." A flustered sounding Ford said, looking away from Bill and Dipper.

"Sorry...we're done...what did you need?" Dipper asked, trying to play it off.

"I needed to speak with you about the project I'm working on but it can wait. I didn't realize William was here. I'll...let you two get back to homework or whatever it is you need to work on." Ford said, before closing the door and leaving.

"Wow. Never thought I would get walked in on by my Great Uncle." Dipper said, slightly embarrassed.

"Hey, he could have walked in on something worse," Bill said, making Dipper's face go even redder.

He punched Bill in the arm, making Bill laugh.

They sat for a moment, Dipper practically in Bill's lap.

"So um...if we both like each other, then what are we?" Bill finally asked.

"I don't want to go too fast. Maybe we could go on a couple of dates before we make anything official?" Dipper asked.

"Sounds good to me Mason Jar," Bill said, placing a kiss on his forehead, pushing all of his demon thoughts to the back of his mind.

I think I like this feeling...being human. Bill thought as the two boys got back to their homework.

Hey! Look it's a chapter.

Wowzers I haven't updated in a hot minute.

I figured I had to make this one extra special for you guys since it's been a while.

Hope you enjoyed it. Going to try and put a chapter out for another one at some point tonight maybe...?

Anyway, hope you liked it, stay safe out there. And for the love of Billdip wash your freakin hands

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