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It was when they got to the Mystery Shack that Bill got the most nervous.

He hoped the 'Bill-Proofing' they had done had worn off. Or at the least that it didn't work on his human form.

He especially hoped that Ford wouldn't recognize him. Ford had, of course, never seen Bill's human form, but regardless, Ford was a smart man, and it's not like Bill couldn't suddenly change his appearance.

Ok...well, he could, but he liked the way he looked. He spent a lot of time on his human form and he had been pleased with the results. It was not nearly as beautiful to him as his demon form, but as far as humans go, he was attractive. And there was no way he was going to mess up his hard work just to hide from Fordsie.

"You stopped, are we here?" Dipper asked as they sat in the car, in silence.

"Oh, yeah. We are. Sorry, just thinking." Bill said. He opened the door, stepping out of his truck. He walked to the other side and offered his arm to Dipper.

Dipper thankfully took it, as he had heard Bill walk over to his side.

"If you can lead me to the porch, I can walk on my own after that. I've got the layout of the house memorized more or less." Dipper said. Bill nodded, then remembered the boy next to him was blind.

"Ok." He said. Silently reminding himself that Dipper was blind and couldn't see him nodding. As this was the third or fourth time he had done this since he met the boy.

Bill led Dipper to the porch of the house, once they got to it, Dipper let go of Bill's arm, grabbing the railing of the porch and walking up the steps comfortably.

Dipper opened the door to the Mystery Shack. Bill stood before the door worried that the shack wouldn't allow him to enter.

Dipper stopped once he gotten through the door.

"You coming?" He asked. Bill assumed Dipper hadn't heard  footsteps.

"Y-Yeah...sorry." Bill said.

Bill slowly stepped through the door, closing his eyes as he attempted to step through the doorway.

He felt a small tingling sensation, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself three steps into the doorway.

When he realized he had made it into the house he decided that the tingling sensation was probably just in his head, but the sensation didn't seem to leave.

Dipper turned back around and continued to walk through the house.

"Before we can go up to my room I have to introduce you to my Grunkles." Dipper said.

Bill, deciding it would be strange if he didn't ask about the, would be, strange term 'Grunkle'.

"Grunkles?" Bill asked.

"Great Uncles. They're twins, like my sister and I." Dipper explained.

Dipper lead Bill through the house to the shop where he found Stan cleaning up an item on display.

"Hey kid, welcome home. How was school?" Stan asked.

"It was alright. The halls looked clean today." Dipper joked. The three of them laughed.

"Is this your friend Sixer was talking about?" Stan asked.

"Yeah," Dipper said, he gestured in Bill's general direction, his fingers grazing Bill's shoulder.

"I'm William, nice to meet you." Bill said, shaking Stan's hand.

"Stan. You better be treating my nephew alright. He's a good, honest kid." Stan said.

"Grunkle Stan." Dipper said.

"None of us will hesitate to get revenge if you hurt hi-"

"Grunkle Stan. Please, I can take care of myself." Dipper said, cutting Stan off.

"Remember what we talked about. I'm not helpless. Please just treat me like a regular teen." Dipper said. Bill assumed this had been a regular thing going on between the two of them.

"Fine, fine." Stan said, "Where's your sister?"

"With friends. Again." Dipper said, spitefully.

Stan sighed.

"Sixer is in the..." Stan trailed off, glancing at Bill.

"Um...he's in his room. I'll let him know you are home." Stan said.
Dipper nodded.

"We'll be in the kitchen." Dipper said, turning to leave the room. Bill turned to follow, but Stan caught his arm.

"Listen kid." Stan said quietly, "If you hurt him-"

"I understand sir." Bill said quietly. Dipper cleared his throat. The two of them glanced back at Dipper, who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"You can go." Stan said to Bill. Bill nodded and walked back to Dipper.

Once they were out of the room, they walked to the kitchen.

"Sorry about him. My Grunkles are really protective of me." Dipper said.

"I've tried to tell them to treat me like a normal teen but they can't seem to understand." Dipper said, irritation evident in his voice.

"It's alright, he's just trying to look out for you. It's a dangerous world." Bill said.

"Also...just because he wears a suit doesn't mean you need to call him sir." Dipper said, trying not to laugh.

"It wasn't the suit...I was just trying to be respectful..." Bill said. Dipper laughed.

"You don't need to with Stan. Ford maybe, but not Stan." Dipper said.

The two of them reached the kitchen, Dipper immediately going to a cabinet, grabbing a strawberry poptart out of the cabinet, before closing it.

Dipper sat down at the table, Bill sitting next to him.

Dipper opened the silver package, offering the second pastry to Bill. Bill thanked him and took the treat.

He examined it, wondering what it was. He knew it was some sort of food, but he rarely ate, food was a new concept to him. He knew he needed to eat to sustain his human form so he had eaten a little bit of food before.

He took a bite of the treat and found it to be extremely sweet. Almost sickly sweet. He liked the taste, but he found it almost sickining. And not in a good way. He ate the pastry anyway.

Bill heard footsteps approach the kitchen. He looked up and saw Ford walk in.

Bill swallowed back his nerves and smiled.

"Hey Dipper. How was school?" Ford asked.

"It was fine. How was your day?" Dipper asked.

"Good. I made a lot of progress on the...project I was working on." Ford said. He hesitated, glancing Bill.

"So, you're Dipper's friend?" Ford asked, examining Bill.

"Hello sir, I'm William...William Pitcher." Bill said, prononcing his last name with a little more T in it, so it wasn't too close to his real name.

Bill also decided to not offer his hand first. Worried the gesture might be recognizable.

"Stanford Pines. Although you can just call me Ford. Its good to meet any friend of Dipper's." Ford said. He offered his hand. Bill shook it, as not to seem rude.

"Well, if you'll excuse me. I'll be getting back to my work. If you need me just holler." Ford said. Dipper nodded and Ford left the room.

"We can go to my room now, if you want." Dipper said.

"Ok." Bill said, remember to just say something instead of nodding.

Dipper stood up and led Bill to his room.

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