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Dipper woke up to the sound of his alarm. He followed the sound and turned it off as quick as he could.

He sighed and rolled out of bed, standing up and walking to his closet to grab an outfit for the day.

Usually, Soos ordered his clothes so that they were decent outfits for school. Mainly as Dipper couldn't see his outfits himself.

That's right, Dipper was blind.

It had happened right after his thirteenth birthday. And he knew exactly who did it.

It was Bill's last act of revenge. I took his vision of a new world away and he took my vision away. Dipper thought.

Dipper pushed the thought from his head as he got dressed. Pulling on what felt like jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. As well as his hat.

He grabbed his backpack, which Soos had taken care to make sure it had everything he needed for his first day if senior year. Aka his cane, a book he enjoyed in brail, an audio recorder for lectures, and his lunchbox.

Carefully, he walked downstairs and into the kitchen, finding his place at the table.

"Morning Dipper, are you excited for your last year of school?" Ford asked from his seat at the table.

"Y-Yeah..." Dipper said. Honestly, Dipper did not want high school to end. He had finally gotten used to the school, it helped that it was a small school, but he had finally seemingly memorized the school and now he only had one more year there.

"Hey, loser," Mabel said as she walked through the door.

She sat at the table across from Dipper.

Over the years, Mabel and Dipper had grown distant. In fact, Mabel had almost seemed to resent Dipper at times. She even took his seeing-eye pig, Waddles, which was a pig as he was allergic to dogs. 

Since he got Waddles, he had used him maybe a dozen times. Mabel pretty much claimed that she needed him as an emotional support animal.

So Dipper was left with his cane and help from Soos.

"Hey, I have some friends picking me up for school today," Mabel said.

"You were supposed to drive me to school," Dipper said.

"Yeah, that's off now. You'll have to find another ride." Mabel said. Dipper attempted to picture her in his mind, but as the years went on, his memory faded. He couldn't even picture what she looked like when he still had his vision, let alone imagine what she looked like now.

"A day's notice would have been great. It's not like I can drive myself." Dipper commented. He imagined her rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, I'll see you losers later," Mabel said as she got up and left the room.

"I can drive you," Ford said.

"Thank you, Grunkle Ford," Dipper said.

Time Skip

Ford had led Dipper to the front of the school so that he didn't have to walk through the parking lot.

"So, aren't your friends supposed to meet you up here to help guide you to your classes?" Ford asked. Dipper shook his head.

"I don't have any friends. Wendy graduated." Dipper said.

"What about a teacher?" Ford asked. Dipper shrugged.

"Most of the teachers just let me record their lectures and do whatever I want in their class," Dipper admitted.

"Are you going to be able to find your first class?" Ford asked. Dipper nodded.

"I have to school pretty much memorized. And all of my classes are close together. They had me come in last week to walk through each of them, remember?" Dipper said.

"Oh yeah, that's right," Ford said.

"Well, do you want me to take you to your first one?" Ford asked. Dipper shook his head.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. If you can get my cane out of my backpack though, I'd appreciate it." Dipper said. Ford unzipped Dipper's backpack and pulled out the collapsible cane Dipper had to help him navigate through people.

Ford handed the cane to Dipper.

"Thanks, Grunkle Ford, I'll see you when I get home," Dipper said before extending the cane and walking towards the school.

Finding his classes was easy. Even with the clutter of students in the hallway. People usually cleared for him. He wasn't sure if it was for respect or fear that they might somehow catch his 'Blindness Disease' but either way he didn't really care.

Once he got to his first class he found a seat in the back and sat down.

"Oh hello Mason, glad you found the class alright." His teacher said, treating him as if he were a baby.

"This is going to be a looong day," Dipper muttered before the bell rang.

Time skip

By the time school had ended Dipper had managed to track down Mabel. He had heard her distinct voice from down the hall and followed it to her locker.

"Mabel?" He said once he was sure he was near her.

"Oh, hey Dipper. What do you want?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you were going to give me a ride home or should I call Ford?" Dipper asked.

"Oh, I'm going to hang out with some friends after school," Mabel said.

"Oh...ok. I'll call Ford then." Dipper said, pulling out his phone.

"No need, I already told him. He's probably outside waiting for you." Mabel said.

Dipper was somewhat surprised by his sister's seemingly sudden change of heart. She almost never did anything to benefit him. Or anyone except herself.

"Thanks, Mabel," Dipper said, with genuine gratitude.

"Don't mention it." She said. She went back to talking with her friends, leaving Dipper to make his way to the front of the school.

He eventually found Ford and Ford drive him home.


Hey, author here!!!

So I know there were a lot of skips and left out stuff but I promise there will be more.

I'm planning on having actual class scenes and stuff. I just skipped it for the purpose of this chapter.

Also, Bill will be introduced soon.  Promise.

And also, I don't hate Mabel, honestly. I just need her to be a bit of bitch in this book okay. I love Mabel, but I need her to be mean for the sake of writing.

Anyways. Go check out my other stuff and yeah!

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