Light a flame- P.Jm

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Semicolon by seventeen just dropped and lemme state some facts

The album is a beaut

The entire retro thing?????? *Take my heart* 

The style of the music is chef's kiss

So anyway, "Light a flame" came on and I started immediately dreaming up a scene.

Listen to the song know what I mean.

So know, that when I wrote this, that song was playing on loop, cause *DAMN*


Now, without further ado, I present to you, my one shot~


A hushed silence fell over the ballroom as she stepped into the orange-tinted light, her heels clicking on the marble steps as she took carefully walked down, her hand running over the dark wood railing.

She wore a figure-hugging wine dress with delicate golden and red beading, a black lace half mask covering her face, lacy black gloves on her hands, unlike the rest of the women in the room, who wore rich flowing ballgowns paired with elegant masks and silk gloves. 

She walked like she owned the place, her head held high, basking in the attention.

The only other person who rivalled her aura was the host of the masquerade ball, who smirked slyly at the sight of her, biting his lips as she slowly walked down the stairs.

Ohh Park Jimin was going to make this mystery woman his tonight.

He weaved through the awe-struck crowds, his fingers running through his slicked-back black hair as he looked at her, his eyes unwavering.

As her feet touched the ballroom floor, the band hesitantly started playing their waltz again, in a more hushed tone.

She looked around, her diamond earrings dangling with every movement. Her eyes soon fell on the man approaching her, his face obscured by the gold gilded mask, a midnight black suit being his ensemble, a single red rose being his only accessory.

He approached her with a smile, stopping a few centimetres away from her. He gently took her hand and bent down to kiss it.

"May I have your night?" he asked, his low voice a mere whisper, making her smile

"And why would I give you that privilege?" she said sultrily

He reached into his pocket and took out the rose, delicately tucking it in her hair,

"You know that I am the only one who can treat you like the  queen you are, here," he said with a smirk, 

She gave him an amused smile as she extended her hand, "Fair point, Mr-"

"We don't need to get into the details," he said as he guided her to the centre of the ballroom, right under the giant crystal chandelier. He waved at the band, who replaced their instruments, saxophones and trumpets replaced the violins and violas.

She looked at him in interest now, and he just smiled, his eyes crinkling under the mask. The conductor gave him a subtle nod, prompting Jimin to hover his hand over her waist, "May I?"

She nodded as she positioned her hands on his shoulders, "A true gentleman eh?"

"I try my best," He said, his face bursting in a grin that made her heart flutter, before he leaned in and whispered in her ear, his lips brushing ever so lightly, "But don't count on that behaviour, the entire night~"

The conductor gently moved his stick, the saxophonist starting the melody, making Jimin sway with this mystery woman, the beats and the slow pace of the music guiding their movements throughout the hall. 

They twirled and swayed gently to the seductive music accentuated by the beats and the brass instruments, the scent of alcohol making the air even more intoxicating.

People wanted to instinctively look away from this intimate dance, but they couldn't for they were completely hypnotised by the coordinated movements of the two strangers, who danced together like they had been doing this for years.

The music ended in a flourish, breaking everyone out of their stupor. 

Jimin broke the pose as he looked around at the crowd, who broke into applause as he beamed at them, before the chatter and soft music returned. 

He leaned in close to her, "I asked you if I could have your night... Now I have made up my mind. I'm going to steal it"

"What makes you think you can do that? 

"I think I already have~," he said as he took her hand and lead her out the ballroom, into the dimly lit corridor, further into the depths of the mansion. 

She walked hesitantly, the flooring turning from marble to carpet, muffling their steps in the empty echoing halls. Her eyes wandered all around the place, taking in the walls covered in paintings and rich wooden carving, the ceiling done up with bright frescoes, the occasional stained-glass skylight.

The music of the ballroom faded as they moved deeper and deeper into the enigmatic building.

"I don't think we're allowed to be here..." she said as she pulled her hand free from his grip, stopping in front of a window. The night was a moonless one, cool breeze pushing stray tendrils of her hair off her face.

"How does it matter?" He asked with an evil gleam in his eyes, taking slow steps towards her.

For the first time that night, she saw something else in his eyes, other than wicked charm and seduction

A kind of lunacy

"Who are you?"

He chuckled, his laughter echoing off the walls of the empty dimly lit corridor, before removing the mask with a flourish.

The one man she was supposed to avoid the entire night

"Park Jimin" she whispered under her breath, her voice catching at the last few words

He cackled this time, slightly tilting his head to the side as he walked forward, prompting her to take a few steps back, stopping when her back how the wooden moulding framing the window, her breath quickening.

"That's right, sweet... I guess I do have quite the reputation~... Now, let's see that pretty face under that mask, shall we?" he said as his hand reached into his pocket, taking out a delicate golden knife

She raised her hands, her fingers shaking as she undid the silk ribbons keeping her mask up, letting it fall into her hands, hesitantly looking up at him

He let out a low whistle as he twirled the blade in his hands, "My oh my... aren't we going to have some fun tonight~"

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