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Word Count:680

-Definitely the type of person who wants to do a couple costume with you.
-He surpringly dragged you out more than you thought you'd drag him out
-You guys also had a Halloween party at UA so u both went and hung out with his friends
-Than you guys went trick or treating, teaching todoroki what it was and how to have a little bit more fun.
-Which worked surpringly-
- He did not wanna watch horror movies because he knew he'd be the one scared but he watched them with you anyway.
-You guys just held each other and fell asleep on the horror movies.
-Bakugo also tried pranking you guys..it worked

-Shoto..poor bb did not understand Halloween so you had to explain it to him.
-You both defiantly dressed up as vampires together.
-You guys went out for a real expierence of what you were explaining aka just knocking on the door and getting candy.
-Bakugo tried you prank you guys but Todoroki just annoyed him like he usually does.
-The UA party he found so stupid but decided to go since you were begging him to go with you.
-Shoto, Izuku, Izuku' s/o, and you went together trick or treating.
-Then you guys got home and just cuddled and took a nap

-Okay he hates Halloween
-He did not want to do anything with you, you literally forced him
-Your the only one who dresses up i don't think you can force him to do that ):
-If you somehow convince him too you guys are somewhat matching, not enough for him to feel 'embarrassed' even if he secretly wants too
-He enjoys the horror
movies part of the movies
-He loves scaring you and having you cuddled up on him
-You both have the squad around hanging out with you guys
-You all fall asleep together too

-he LOVESSS halloween
-he dresses and decorates everything
-his dorm room is now full of halloween decorations and all that fun objects for halloween
-you guys definitely watch horror movies together as well
-he suggested the UA party too, which he obviously went too
-the baku squad also went out trick or treating with you guys
-afterwards the group went to denkis dorm to binge horror movies and have fun together
-aka a big sleep over

-Hitoshi and you some what like halloween
-You guys both wanna hang out at home and watch the horror movies in big hoodies
-He also cuddles you and holds you tightly to him.
-You guys might go out together just to hang out at target too
-You both get monsters and snacks then runs out after paying to continue the movie.
-His friends also would come over and hang out with you guys

-The league doesn't really do it
-but he knows how much you love halloween
-You force him to watch a bunch of different halloween movies in one night
-The rest of the league joins you guys as well
-Your usually hiding your face, somewhat scared of the movie, with him laughing at you
-At the end when no ones around and you cant sleep he promises to protect you and that he loves you
-He plays tricks on Tomura with you as well hehe

-The league doesn't really do it
-but he knew how much you love halloween from the past year you've been dating
-You force him to watch a bunch of different halloween movies in one night
-The rest of the league joins you guys as well (mostly cause you forced them)
-Your usually hiding your face, somewhat scared of the movie, with him scared as well
-At the end when no ones around and you cant sleep he promises to protect you and that he loves you
-He plays tricks on Touya with you as well just to annoy him

this took so long and omg i should be asleep but hey halloween specials are nice i guess. anyway happy halloween ily guys <3

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