☀︎When Mineta Flirts With You☀︎

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Word Count: 765

Pickup Line:
Is your name winter? Cause you'll be coming very soon
You were red and hugged your boyfriend while he glared at Mineta, that poor grape didn't get the hint and kept on going. Your boyfriend was getting pissed and more pissed as he went on. Your boyfriend Midoriya put you behind him and walked over to grape boy and Detroit smashed his ass to the ground.
~Extended Ending since it's short~
Once you and your sweet boyfriend were in his dorm relaxing he realized and started apologizing. As he apologized you just laughed at him and repeated he was fine he was hitting on you after that you kissed him and put on Netflix for you two can cuddle.

You were about to open your mouth to yell at the small grape when your boyfriend comes. You smirk knowing what he's gonna do, Mineta not seeing your hot headed boyfriend he continued ranting on about how he loved all your curves. You looked at your boyfriend giving him the look not to cause a huge huge scene especially with his quirk, he shook his head and you sighed. "Yo! Fucking grape head you wanna repeat what you just said" he said obviously furious Mineta was shocked and was to scared to speak, your boyfriend let little explosions out of his hand and pointed at Mineta let's just say it didn't end well for that poor purple grape..

You were with your hot and cold when you boyfriend when Mineta  said it when you heard him you and your boyfriend paused as he was annoyed you were red from embarrassment and anger. You boyfriend turned around and started at Mineta, you turned around after making sure he wouldn't go over hand. Mineta kept going on how ur body and ass were perfect till your boyfriend came over, "do you mind repeating that" he said while keeping his emotionless calm face and voice. Mineta realized and looked up at him scared for his life "u-uh todoroki! It was just a joke!" He mumbled. Let's just say Mineta was now a ice cube.

You were walking to your boyfriends dorm after training yo improve ur stamina so you were only wearing a sports bra and leggings which showed off your figure well. You heard Mineta and turns around and already saw your boyfriend knowing he's gonna do something you just watched it. "Hey Mineta who's your favorite female hero" your boyfriend asked knowing he would rant on and on about it, he was about to answer when Shinso activated his quirk. Your boyfriend was thinking about what he could do to him, "Go jump off- no that's not very heroic..." he said stopping himself before he tried to get Mineta to kill himself. "Go to the training room and run till you pass out if I don't see enough running I'll make u do more" Mineta went and started his running. You just giggled and hugged your boyfriends side as he walked back to his dorm with you to cuddle and watch Netflix's.  

Your boyfriend was pissed when he heard Mineta talk to his girlfriend like that, so he went over and wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer and used his other hand to shock him "talk like that again I'm gonna pick you up and throw you straight into that pool we have and electrocute you you hear me?" Your Pikachu boyfriend told him. The grape wanted to continue a bit not feeling phased so your boyfriend picked him up and threw him out the door cracking his knuckles. Once he came in his knuckles were a bit swollen you sighed and guessed he beat the living hell out of Mineta for even thinking about you, than you realized he had his moron face on. You started laughing more and just hugged him.

Mineta couldn't have cause we sadly don't want him to die completely and your a villain so yeah have fun but if this were to happen just know he would be a fucking grape toast.

Mineta couldn't have cause we sadly don't want him to die completely and your a villain so but if this were to happen just know that your boyfriend would've already knocked him out and dissolved him

Yo what's up I'm sorry this took so long I've been busy since school starts next Tuesday and I still haven't even finished my work so have fun with me being stressed.
~Human out

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