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Word Count: 846
Katsuki Bakugo x F! Suicidal! Reader
Before I start this will contain self harm and depressed thoughts.. if you don't want to read it or you can't handle it..please leave I don't want anyone who can't handle blood and stuff like this to scare offend or hurt them..if you dont mind and are gonna continue reading have fun ig

Another shitty day..Another push another mean comment..I slowly got used to it especially the pain but something clicked today..I was walking to my dorm passing my crush Katsuki Bakugos dorm. That's mostly what I was bullied about loving that angry boy..everyone told me he was way to good for me and he'll never even look my way. As I passed my best friend Shoto todoroki dorm next I see mine..I open my door and lock the front door and leans against it..I always get the words from my parents stuck In my head..I was a late bloomer and my parents didn't have that..they called me quirkless and worthless and so many other words..im were glad to get out of the house. I stood up and walked to the kitchen..I looked over and grabs a sharp knife from the knife holder and goes to the sink I look at my arm/wrist and back at the knife.. I slowly brought the knife to my skin slowly cutting it sobbing mumbling the words "useless" over and over. I cut my (S/C) skin and I felt my vision blur. I put the knife down and washed it a bit making sure no one saw anything and I shakily went up to my dorm but I fell..and passed out.

Author's POV
Y/N fell to the ground making a loud bang. She didn't know but she fell in front of her crush, Katsuki Bakugos. He heard the bang and went outside, he saw you laying on the floor with your bloody arm covered but he could still see the blood flowing..he freaked and brought you inside he had tears in his eyes he never thought the girl he's been staring at would do this to herself.. he quickly stops the bleeding and wraps bandages around your arm. After that he bursts out into tears about who would cause you to want to die who would make you cut yourself till you fucking passed out.. he mumbled dumbass..what the fuck were you thinking. He hugged you protectively not sleeping till you woke up. You woke up quicker than he and you expected a day later. He was still awake cooking and you looked around knowing this isn't your dorm. He comes in and drops his food and runs over to you, you get shaken a bit not knowing what to do, his first words where "who the fuck would make you do this you fucking dumbass". You just stood shocked he was the one who helped you.. after you came back into relation you looked down, he grabbed your chin softly making you look at him. "I-I.. shit alright.. i fucking care about you..I don't want to see you hurt..because Y/N L/N I am in love with you.." He said voice breaking like he was about to cry, "I love you too Katsuki bakugo I've loved you for so long..everyone told me I was never good enough and called me names I couldn't take it anymore" you say quietly but enough for him to hear you. He was about to ducking KILL someone when you said someone told you that. He kept his calm and finally asked what he's her meaning to ask you. "Y/N L/N will you be my girlfriend?". You finally smiled in like what months? Years? And said "of course I will.." . He pulled you close and softly kissed your lips as you kissed back he puts his hands on your waist as you wrapped them around his neck, he slid his tongue on your bottom lip asking for entry and you slightly opened your mouth letting him explore your mouth. After like ten minuets he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you two still together. You gave him a soft smile and he actually smiled back.. after that he demanded names of the whores who told you shit you also listed your parents names and that made his anger worse. After that he decided to have a nice little "chat" with everyone and it's been a year now you two have been together and it's been amazing..
"I love you you dumbass..."
"I love you too porcupine"

So that was kinda angst and cute so I hope you enjoyed it sorry I got very uncomfortable writing the self harm scene but I got it done. Please if you self harm please speak to someone you trust..even speak to me.. I love y'all stay safe and expect a new oneshot headcannon thing tomorrow or something

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