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Jealous! Dabi  x F! reader
Word Count: 1102
3rd Person View

The h/c villian was walking around the street, she was apart of a pretty well-known group. The league of villains, they wanted to take all might down and you wanted to join them for that reason. One day you were hanging out on the couch and then Grain comes in, you weren't paying attention really but you saw two people come in. One looked like a highschool girl her hair was in two messy buns and wore a school uniform, the other looked a lot older than her but around your age. He had purple scars almost everywhere on his body, well everywhere you could notice, he had black spiky hair. You continued to check him out and you noticed he looked at you smirking, you heard Shigarki asked them both to introduce themselves. The blonde highschool girl went first, "Wow the hand guy! Your friends with the great stain right, right?!" She continued in the high-pitched voice "Let me join too, The League of Villians! I'm Toga, Himiko Toga!" "It's hard to live, I want the world to become an easier place to live, I want to become Mr. Stainy! I want to kill Mr. Stainy!" She continued on till you heard Shigarki turn to the male and ask him for his. "I currently go by Dabi," he said staring at you, Shigarki replied to him sharply "That's not what I want to know, what's your real name" "Ill tell you when its time, anyway I will carry out the will of the hero killer." That quickly made Shigarki throw his childish temper tantrums which made you get up sighing as you put your hand on his shoulder calming him down, he tried to talk against you but you held your glare at him which made him storm off to his room, slamming the door on his way out. You turn around to them smiling "(l/n) (y/n). He likes you most likely so I suggest you stay around." You said winking at them then walking away smirking.

---- A Couple Days Later----

You and Dabi have gotten really close threw out the days he's been here, you didn't realize it at first, neither did him at the same time. As the days went on Dabi got more and more jealous of how y/n can make Tomura calm down, how they were on a first-name basis. At the time y/n and Tomura were laying on the couch playing video games together. He stormed out into his room till the tiny highschooler came in "What's wrong Dabi~kun" she said which the male ignored her, as she continued asking he finally snapped "Nothing!" he screamed at her till he sighed finally admitting his feelings for the h/c girl. He hated to admit it especially to her, "I like her" he said quietly but the other still heard him and smiled "Aww is Dabi~kun telling me his feelings of who he likes." she teased, he quickly glared at the girl which instantly made her know he was about to kill her right then and there. She left him alone and pulled y/n from her cheering how she won the game. "Hey! What the hell?!" the female screeched "Dabi likes you" she said dragging on you. You stared at her confused, she was the first to notice you liked him and mentioned it to you, which is when you noticed it yourself and you told her your kill her if she told him, which she completely knew was true and that you would especially since Tomura needed you and liked you as a sister. After she told you that you became blank, you didn't want to believe her but you did get your hopes up a soft smile on your face. "We need to make him jealous! That's how he told me!" the other said in her usual carefree attitude. "No." the h/c girl replied, knowing it was not a good idea, which instantly made the younger beg "Please y/n~chan I'll never bother you again!" she whined, after a while of her whining "Enough! fine what the hell is your plan." you said obviously annoyed at this point, she told you the plan and you suddenly got really interested "He's gonna kill him, you know that right?" you told her to which she just nodded. You sighed and went over to tell Tomura the plan which he went along with since he usually loved to fuck around with the other male. He saw Dabi coming around and quickly pulled you onto his lap which made your face burn, you two were extremely close especially since you guys grew up together but this was a new level. He put his arms around you playing his videogame. Dabi looked over at you two and instantly glared at Tomura who wasn't holding you as tight, aware not to hurt you with his quirk. Dabi stormed over "The Hell is going on?!" he said slightly raising his voice, "Nothing." Tomura replied to him in a bored tone, he was used to Dabi throwing a fit every time he touched you. He's never cared this much which made the male start to get annoyed and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder holding onto your waist to keep you from falling. You saw Toga and Shigarki waving to you and you just flipped them off, he brought you to his room, pulling you off his shoulder he looked away from you. "Dabi?" you said somewhat quiet, you were a different person near him you were less hostile and you felt protected so you had no reason to put your guards up. As you said the name he looked at you and kissed you roughly pulling you closely, you stood there for a moment then instantly kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck smiling. He pulled away and whispered in your ear "You're more you hear me..mine.."  you just rolled your eyes nodding and pecking his lips softly "I'm guessing this is you asking me out" you replied laughing which he just nodded. "Then I accept," you said.

——The End——

so this finally was written Sunday and today, I'm glad I got it done and I'm finally happy I got it over with cause I'm exhausted recently. I hope this was enjoyable I hope everyone has had a good Valentine's day and just a good forever weeks months. Suggestions for my next chapter?

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