☀︎What They Do On National Girlfriends Day☀︎

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Word Count: 907

Midoriya didn't know since he never payed attention for holidays at that but when Urarka told him he rushed and actually some how..just some how bought a reservation at a really fancy place and than texted you to wear something like really fancy and he'll pick you up at 7. After that he got a nice tux his sweetheart of a mom gave him and went to pick you up. Since you didn't have anything fancy fancy you decided to go to the small with some of the class and a couple of the boys (todoroki bakuhoe and kiri since I'm this y'all friends) to get a boy opinion and to keep bakugo in place. After you finished changing you waited for your cinnamon roll to come pick you up which he did at the exact time he said he'll be there 7, then he took you to the restaurant and after all that..you never knew it was national girlfriends day either..

He didn't really care for this day because it's him and he didn't even know..Kirishma told him and he actually went out and got a bunch of movies your enjoy with a bunch of snacks. For you guys can just have a movie night and you guys can relax he actually doesn't yell at all like he usually does with you and you find it really cute how hard he's trying to make it up to you..sadly you knew and lectured him for not knowing these important dates but you forgave him. You guys cuddles and it ended with you having your neck almost covered in a bunch of hickeys, no you guys didn't do IT you just got a bunch of hickeys and then cuddles and a bunch of movie and popcorn all night till you both fell asleep. Honestly he loved national girlfriends day and he was so happy he had you to deal with him.

Like everyone else he didn't know but he never had a girlfriend so he didn't know till his sister told him and he quickly sent you a text saying happy national girlfriends day yet...your insomniac ass was still sleeping from not getting sleep. So he also knew this so he took his time going to get a bunch of stuff for you can just relax and watch movies and cuddle, he knows you like these things so he made sure to know what to get you and stuff. He knew you liked horror movies so he got a bunch of them (if u don't like horror movies change it) and a bunch of popcorn and drinks and everything he knows you want. In the end you finally woke up to him sitting in your bed with a bunch of bags..Jesus..

Surprisingly he knows ahead of time and will send you a quick text saying that he loves you and wishes you a happy girlfriends day and then will go to your house to sleep with you and you all cuddle cause he wants to show you he actually is deeply in love with you and not just not care about you and he watches every Disney movie you want and secretly enjoy them and then you two fell asleep with him wrapping his arms around you like he is going to loose you.

This Pikachu is super adorable he knows everything about national girlfriend day and he instantly pulled you out of bed for you grow can go on a date, you and him went to the park and he pushed you on the swings then had a mini picnic on the grass. After that you too walked around the city and he had his hands around your waist he kept them there the whole time while you leaned your head on his shoulder as you smiled, it was a comfortable silence between you too as you two walked. You too decided to go to the mall (a tiny mall not the big one in the end of season two) and he absolutely spoiled you he let you drag him around the whole store and he even bought some stuff for you knowing you wanted them and your like them. You always tried on clothes and acted like his model and he took pictures, some how that just entertained you two then you both went home as you put your stuffed animals and every other item around your bed and fell asleep.

You two don't celebrate it sorry but the best your get is a happy national girlfriends day and a bit of the rough side..uh you know..

Neither does this man best your get is a kiss and a happy nationals girlfriend day
Hey what's up I'm so sorry this took so long I've honestly haven't been in the best mind state like usual I am now and honestly this took a lot out of me it drains me to write this book and I get very tired of writing and slowly sleep..everyday I'll try to write something to keep everyone happy and uploaded.
Get ready for the quirk explanation of my bakugo x reader comes out my todoroki x reader is already out so don't worry about it and I will start writing on here and there. Good night I love you all so much uwu

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