☀︎ When he's stressed out☀︎

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Word Count:1300

>Izuku was honestly stressed about most of the exams coming up which is when you walked in
>"Baby? what's wrong"
>He told you that he was stressed from all the exams coming up which you instantly went and hugged him
>"It's alright baby i'm right here and i'll help you thru all of it, how about right now we go and watch some movies and have ice cream and you can show me what your struggling with and i'll help"
>He stared at you and then smiling widely his face red of embarrassment "Y-Yeah! let's go"

>His dad was stressing him out by over working him again so as soon as he came back from training you can instantly tell somethings up
>"What's wrong babe?"
>It takes him a lot of complaining and whining to get him to open up tho ngl
>He explains he's sick of his dad and he just needs a break from him
>You stare into his eyes and holds him closer playing with his soft half colored hair
>"It's alright baby, we're be moving into dorms soon and you have me i'm right here. Now how about we watch some of Yuri on Ice and sleep?"
>Which he completely agreed

>Katsuki and his mom was fighting again, and today has bad especially with him feeling insecure to Midoriya again.
>He came into your house, your mom always welcoming him since she knew how he'd fight with his mom
>He walked into your room as you were reading fanfiction he just laid on top of you as you reach down and play with his hair
>"What's wrong baby?"
>He explains the fighting and how he's so insecure about midoriya again and you grabbed his face making him look up at you
>"Katsuki Bakugo, your amazing. your quirk is amazing and you can pass midoriya and become number 1 hero one day, your mom means well, even if she doesn't show it she cares about you so you listen to me right now, your amazing and i'll always be here with you thru out your whole journey"
>He tears up hugging you tightly
>"Thank you..dumbass"
>You laugh at him as you play with his hair smiling softly as you continue reading your fanfiction
>"Will you stop reading and pay attention to me?!"
>You laugh and place your phone down cuddling together

>Hitoshi was stressed, he was trying to get into 1-A with the training with Aizawa
>He walks into your dorm, laying down on top of you and explains what was going on in his mind you two had that relationship where you can just come in to each other's, lay down and rant.
>You listen to him as you play with his hair, as you stare down at him saying
>"Hitoshi..love your working so hard your get into 1-A soon..Aizawa~Sensei sees how hard your working and your be able to get in there i promise.."
>He smiles, giving you a peck on the lips you two lay down, him holding your waist tightly and whispers in your ear "Thank you kitten..i love you."
>You smile at the words mumbling a "I love you too" before passing out in his arms
>He wasn't that tired so he just admired you as you slept sometimes watching the tv that was on low
>As time passed on he just stared at you as he realized how lucky he was to have somebody like you
>He holds you tighter, falling asleep with you.
>You looked over, noticing your boyfriend was studying but you could notice his brows furrowed, which obviously meant he was getting annoyed and didn't understand
>You go over to him and wrap your arms around him slightly moving on his lap asking him what's wrong in his flustered but annoyed state
>He instantly snapped, not at you but how he was sick of not getting anything in the glass and how he just felt so less than everyone in the glass
>"Babe, your smart enough to make it in 1-A, and in UA to begin with. You wouldn't be here if the teachers didn't believe in you and i believe in you so much, your be okay and your understand it some day i promise and i'll be here to help thru out the way. How about we take a break and then I can help"
>He instantly nodded as you two went in the bed cuddling as he smiles and whispers a thank you as you turn your tv on.
>As you both fall asleep together cuddling each other tightly, he completely forgot about studying as he was the little spoon while you made him feel so much better
>Tomura and Touya were fighting again and usually it doesn't wear him down and stress him out but he was not in the mood for his shit today
>They continued arguing as Toga ran and grabbed you bringing you to the two men, you grabbed your boyfriend dragging him away before it gets violent.
>You sit him on the bed and wrap your arms around him sitting on his lap as you whisper asking him what's wrong
>He explains how stressed and how today has been shit to him as you listened to him try and express himself since he wasn't good at that
>You waited for him to finish as you play with his somewhat soft and spiky hair
>"It's alright baby..everyone has bad days it's okay..i'm here so we can just relax all day and hang out together and calm you down till your okay and back to your usual self. Plus then we can just stay together all day.."
>He nods and wraps his arms around you finally becoming the little spoon which made you really happy and him really comfortable
>You two turned Lifetime on and watched it as you two drifted off to sleep together

>His plan wasn't going as planned he started to panic and him and the league quickly retreat
>He came back to the hide out, walking to your two rooms and scratches his neck
>You just came home so when you walked into your room and see him scratching you went over there asking him what happened gently.
>He calmed down at the sound of your voice looking at you and hugged you tightly but was careful enough not to hurt you as he explained hiding his face in the crook of your neck
>"Baby..it's okay you couldn't win you have next time okay? You have time to come up with a even stronger plan and you have me and the league here to help in anyway we can."
>You kept it short, he didn't really like being comforted just liked being heard when he ranted
>You two laid down grabbing a controller, giving one to him and the other to yourself you two started to play video games
>He notices you weren't that good anymore and looks over at you noticing your asleep he smiles and sighed at you
>"How did I get so lucky.."
>He fell asleep with you after saying that

This took so long and i'm honestly exhausted from writing this, but i felt like i needed to upload and i honestly have been stressed recently so i felt it was necessary. I hope everyone's okay during everything and you guys should go check out my other books, as well as a new one i'm going to start soon. I hope everyone had a good day/night <3

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