☀︎When Your On Your Period☀︎

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Word Count: 558

Your either crying or screaming like bakugo but if it gets to far and you notice you start crying and feeling bad that you yelled at him. He would go to like Target or some place to buy a bunch of chocolates he knows you like and some tampons or pads than sometimes he'll buy you some McDonald's chicken nuggets with your favorite sauce and than he'll cuddle you and kiss you and rub where your getting the cramps. Don't you love having such a cute boyfriend?

He doesn't care at first but your worse than him actually so you start screaming your head off if he doesn't buy you the stuff you need like chocolates pizza spicy food and tampons or pads. You start throwing tissues and stuff at him and then you two argue till he gets it, but somehow he ends it by getting you whatever you want and you force him to hug and cuddle you till your cramps and other pains calm down. Yes you have a short tempered boyfriend and you love him for it.

Surprisingly your calm but if someone annoys you or you need something your start crying. He never knew why it happened till he had to text bakugo of all people. He bluntly told him it's a period and how girls freak and shit on that, so than your lovely boyfriend goes to the store and buys you everything he thinks you would need which he was very correct, than he went to get some soba for the both of you. You both ate and watched some Netflix and ate than you two decided to sleep. Dont you love your soft boyfriend?

He just threw a pad at you and went back to sleep..
Nah I'm joking Hitoshi took care of you all week, he got you all the stuff you need including snacks and then relaxed with you during the week as you two did everything you wanted to do. Yes during this time the most he SPOILED you. It's honestly adorable..

He plays and does anything for you honestly like buy you tampons and pads and a bunch of food you like and chocolate since mineta told him what a period was and how to deal with it so he knew what to do and how to help. Than after that he let you play video games all day and just cuddled you till you fell asleep with was very surprising how he fell asleep he fell asleep with the controller in his hands..don't you love him

He didn't care and threw chocolate pads and tampons at you..than he made you cuddle him and then you two did uh..a special activity...

Same as Dabi besides your special activity..these people are gonna be the death of us..

Hey guys so sorry I wasn't able to upload two or one night ago I was very tired so I started this chapter and just stopped at todoroki it's my moms birthday so yay uwu it's also my two friends birthdays as well so happy birthday to them congrats on being older than me (yes I'm being a petty bitch). Anyway y'all have a good day I won't be uploading tonight so don't expect one..

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