They catch you drawing them

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-he was blushing insanely 

-he noticed it, especially cause he noticed you were really into you're iPad

-he just knew you were more silent, he peaks over and sees the cutest ugliest drawing in the world 

-he kinda laughs but then just goes back on his phone with a tiny blush on his face

-after another hour you ask him if he likes it

-he smiles at you and just laughs at it and tells you

-"Yes I love it so much"

-he'd be the type to side eye whatever you're doing on the iPad or wherever youre drawing on

- he already side eyes you enough when ur doing anything but whenever you're drawing its something

-eventually you'd give up, you wanted it to be a surprise but you gave up. you look up at him and start drawing him.

-after awhile of staring at him, he'd notice and ask what you are doing, you told him to be quiet and ur show him when ur done.

-finally u get done and u show him, he smiles at it trying really hard not to laugh at the failed attempt of drawing him.

-"I love it." 

-you get so excited that he loves it and you guys hang it on the fridge(if not u print it to hang it on the fridge)

-he would laugh at you at first site of you trying to draw his hair.

-aka your failed attempt at drawing his hair

-he'd be on the floor laughing for so long.

-in the end he's actually really impressed on how you did.

- he tells you its not the worst he's ever seen (because hell literally never give you credit for something you did really good and defiantly good do something better than him)

-you get so excited when he's happy with it. 

-you know he actually liked it even tho he didn't say he did you could tell

-he brags to his friends on their group chat right after

-"guess whose girlfriend is a fucking artist."

-when he caught you drawing him he got so excited

-he peaked over and saw and he instantly went to his phone to brag

-"bro my girlfriend is fucking drawing me right now"

-his friends told him to shut the fuck up but its okay because he was ecstatic seeing you draw him.

-you call for him when you're done.

-he comes running in and you show him, he gets so excited that you drew him 

-he hugs you and is jumping about and just having such a good reaction which made you happy

-he took a photo and sent it to the group chat and he hung it on the fridge

-hes the boyfriend who takes photos of you like a mom in Facebook

-he makes you pose with the drawing and then posts it on his instagram story 

-he doesn't pay attention much, so instead of peaking at it like most people, he just ignores it and continues chilling

-he's mentally thinking about different revenge patterns etc

-you keep calling out his name to show him the drawing you made

-he's speechless because its genuinely so good

-he smiles slightly and hugs you and gives you a kiss

-you didn't need to use words with him, he's a affectionate person in private and just where its you and him in love

-later that night he takes it and puts it with his things that he doesn't want to ever be taken, aka his valuables 

-hes insecure so when he sees instead of you doing something useful but drawing him he caught a little attitude 

-"why aren't you working on something what are you doing?"

-you show him its a drawing of the two of you and thats when he gets embarrassed and looks away

-hes says it looks nice and you know it was hard for him to say that so you smile and say thank you

-you kiss his cheek and then you go to do something in his words more useful, aka going to sleep in you're shared bed

hey guys so it been absolutely forever since I uploaded and I thought I was done but I am apparently not, I really enjoyed writing this again even tho it may not be as good because Im not really in the MHA fandom anymore since Im 16 and I made this book when I was like 12 and I don't really understand their personalities anymore. but I will be writing more even with my other stories of Haikyuu etc. I hope everyones having a good summer ily all n miss u a lot💓

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