Chapter 36 - Attempted Murder & Possible Redemption

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After the curse incident, I made it a point to ignore Tom as if my life depended on it. Now that I think about it, I avoided people quite a lot. For a Ravenclaw, I could be very exclusive. I simply preferred my own company, there is nothing wrong with that. But Tom deserved the silent treatment.

It had now been a week of me avoiding Tom and him doing nothing about it. So much for 'caring' and 'doing things for us'. Abraxas noticed this, but he knew better than to ask what had occurred that got us to the newest rough patch in our relationship.

It was almost mid-March and the studying for the N.E.W.Ts was enough of a stress factor for me to not be in the best of moods. Therefore, Abraxas simply assumed I was anxious because of my studies and has not pressured me to elaborate any further. Of course, Abraxas did not know I was also dating someone who nearly tortured me and is plotting on killing someone any day this month nor did he know I was carrying these burdens.

His lack of knowledge but overwhelming support was what made him love him even more. Half the time, he did not know what was going on yet he always had the best hugs and most reassuring words of advice to offer. Abraxas Malfoy was truly one of a kind, I deeply believe he is the brother I never had. Although, I must admit that it pains me that I cannot bring myself to see him differently. I know I would be much more stable and, maybe even, happier if I invested my time and affection in someone like Abraxas, but I knew who I belonged to. Abraxas could have given me financial and emotional stability, safety and a healthy partnership, but all I wanted was the spontaneous adventure, naturalness and hard work of fighting for Tom Riddle. I must be insane, but I knew I had to find him and make amends. It is never too late for a redemption... or at least I hoped.

Practically running around the hallways, I tried to find Tom but he was nowhere in sight. I asked a couple of Slytherins in our year if they knew of his whereabouts, but they had not seen him all day. I ran to the library and searched every corridor, but he was not there either. I made my way to the Great Hall, but it was nearly empty. Desperation and worry filled me and I started searching through all the bathrooms in each floor. If a boy found me in their bathroom I would simply laugh it off and I also searched in the girls' bathrooms because I was deprived of any logical judgement. I truly wanted to find him more than anything, but seeing that he was missing made me worry for what I would discover if I found him.

I entered the second-floor girls' lavatory and saw something strange. A snake engraved sink tap towards the end of the bathroom caught my eye, it was drawing me in. Walking towards it, I noticed there was an open entrance of sort. Someone or something rearranged the sinks, but since I had not entered this bathroom in years I merely thought someone must have built a proper sewage system for the abandoned lavatory. I made the mistake of peaking too close and a large pipe that could fit a human was exposed, then I fell into said strange pipe hole.

The fall hurt, but I quickly recovered myself and took in my surroundings. Gloom and darkness filled this place, but I did not know how to make my way out. I walked through the mysterious green hued room in search for something or someone to help me escape. I noticed the black shadows and snake carvings throughout the walls and I hugged myself trying to find a false sense of comfort or merely to shield myself from the deadly coldness that permeated the space. Walking a few more steps, I notice a path with snake head statues on each side and the face of a man at the other end. Curiosity got the best of me and I quickly guided myself in the direction of the strange stone man, but I saw something that made me freeze halfway.

I closed and opened my eyes yet the basilisk was still there. Imagination was not to blame for what I was witnessing. I did not believe these beasts existed, but here was a giant snake that could murder me with a stare right in front of me. Quickly, I looked down and tried covering my eyes from its view. I had learned enough to know that this beast would kill me instantly with a glance, but also had a venomous bite meaning I could not move near the slimy green creature.


I did not want to move nor open my eyes, I had never been as scared as I was right now. I was not ready to die, much less due to looking into a scaly beast's eyes.

"Who is it? Who is there?", I questioned.

"Do not move!", the person replied.

I recognized that voice immediately.

"Tom? Is that you?", I further inquired hoping that I could make it out alive.

"Yes, it is me. I have instructed the basilisk not to look into your eyes, you can open them.", Tom explained.

I let out a heavy breath I did not know I was holding and I reopened my eyes. I finally realized where I was, I somehow led myself to the Chamber of Secrets. Now assessing my surroundings once more, I noticed Tom and I were not alone. Tom had a tight hold on Myrtle Warren and his wand forcefully placed against her throat. I had caught him in mid-act; he was finally taking the actions he had been planning for months, but my appearance thankfully had seemed to ruin his plans.

"Tom, let her go!", I cried out.

"Athena, leave!", Tom screamed in a threatening tone.

Screaming through the sound of Myrtle's whimpers I cried out again in worry, "Tom, just let Myrtle go and I won't tell anyone what I have witnessed. You know I keep my promises!"

"Athena, do not test me! Please leave now.", he further roared.

"Tom, please. It is not too late to stop this madness. Just give Myrtle to me, let her go.", I whispered reaching my hands out to Myrtle in case he actually let her go.

His grip on her only tightened and he now pointed his wand at me.

"I do not want to harm you, get out!", he pleaded in anger.

I took out my wand and made my towards them. I would not let him harm her, even if it meant I had to harm him. I would never forgive myself if I let him kill her and she did not even know what was going on which meant she had to be scared beyond measure. Now standing mere inches from them,

I raised my wand and repeated myself, "Let her go, now!"

Before I could register what was happening, a burning pain surged through my entire body. Blood was dripping from my arm and I could feel the swelling beginning to form where the open wound found itself. The sting intensified and I looked at the source of the pain.

"No!", Tom screamed out in despair as he pushed Myrtle onto the floor.

I had been bitten by the basilisk.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I began to feel dizzy. In a matter of seconds, I was falling. I felt the same pair of rather large hands grabbing me by the waist before my body hit the floor. I hated the feeling of his hands on me the first time he saved me from a fall, but now I did not want him to ever let go. I was losing consciousness, but I tried to stay awake. The torment and agony my body felt could be compared to that of being hit with the Cruciatus Curse, maybe this was worse.

Before fully passing out, I heard Tom give orders to the basilisk and he obliviated Myrtle. The basilisk disappeared and Myrtle was instructed to leave. She had forgotten what had just taken place and for me that meant she was safe for now. Knowing she was nowhere near the basilisk, I stopped fighting the drowsiness and I closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me. Granting permission for the darkness to consume me somehow liberated Tom Riddle of the darkness within himself. I felt something wet on my cheek before completely blacking out.

That day, Tom Marvolo Riddle had shed a tear
for the first time in his life.

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