Chapter 8 - A New Friend & Tragically Irksome Tutor

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A few days had passed since school started and everything was going exactly how I wanted. After the near life ending mishap during Herbology, I thought every day was going to be as dramatic, but thankfully I was wrong. I've had minimum contact with Riddle, excellent grades, peace of mind and only the necessary amount of socializing. Everything is going according to plan, I will take the top spot in my class leaving Riddle the pathetic second spot, I will continue to avoid him at all costs and I will go on to become a fine auror after my time at Hogwarts. There is nothing that could possibly stop me from accomplishing these simple and realistic goals, not even Herbology class or Riddle's attitude.

Walking towards the Great Hall for supper, I heard someone calling out my name. I turned around and saw Abraxas approaching me, which he rarely did outside of class. He looks at me with the flirtatious fun smile he always wears and asks me if I was planning on sitting with anyone during supper. I know Abraxas does not possess the same amount of common sense as he does book smarts, but I would think he knew I always grabbed my supper and escaped to the library or the astronomy tower.

Apparently, he did not know this because he is still standing in front of me waiting for an answer. To be honest, one day that I don't eat in the library would not kill me... or would it?

I answered him with a slight laugh and twinkle in my eye, "Abraxas, I never eat supper in the Great Hall so you know the answer to my question."

To which he retorts by saying, "Nonsense Athena! You are eating with us today... umm... yeah, that is the plan. Whether you like it or not." and he starts dragging me towards the Slytherin table towards the rear end of the room.

He led me to a section of the table where other Slytherins were seated close together. I was already regretting letting him bring me to sit with this group, not because of any ill feelings, but merely because I know they are not going to receive me as one of their own and I do not feel like giving them all of my energy. Abraxas hugged me slightly from the side and told me they would love me; he always wondered why the Alastair name and legacy was not enough to get me into the Slytherin house.

We arrived at the table, Abraxas helped me onto my chair and introduced me to everyone. I said a quick hello and started eating my food. As they talked amongst themselves, I noticed that all of them were very cautious in how they would express themselves around me, but I knew my presence was not troubling them in the same way a Gryffindor's or even a Hufflepuff's would. After a few minutes of observing them in peaceful silence, Abraxas asked me how my first week of classes had gone. Once he asked this question the other Slytherins all turned towards me waiting for an answer.

"It was alright, I almost died on the first day, but besides that it has been alright. What about you?", I said to him.

Before Abraxas could respond, a boy I knew to have the surname Avery responded, "Wait, are you the girl that almost got killed by a Venomous Tentacula in Herbology a week ago? Cause if you are, our boy Tom saved your arse big time!"

I froze at the mention of Riddle's name, but quickly recovered myself and gave my usual witty response, "I already gave my thank you to Riddle for doing the bare minimum, but 'my arse' does not need saving... Got it Avery?"

Thankfully, and to my surprise, the Slytherins, the boy included, all started making noises and laughing in a resounding manner instead of getting angry or giving me a scowl.

Abraxas then said, "We are definitely keeping her around guys, she's feisty!"

To this comment, all of the sixth and seventh year Slytherins nodded in agreement, now I wondered why I was not sorted into the serpent house. To be honest, I would not mind being around them more often, they would just need to bring it down a notch with the Riddle idolatry. I gave Abraxas a small smile and told him I would catch up with him later, gave the group a small nod, and headed towards the Head of House student dormitories.

Right as I exited the Great Hall I heard someone else cry out my name, it was Professor Beery. He walked towards me and I kindly greeted him. Apparently, he had already found someone willing to take a seventh-year under their wing. To be honest, you have to be quite masochistic to tutor any seventh-year, much more tutor me in Herbology, but someone actually volunteered themselves to deal with me for the next few months and I would be eternally grateful for that. He said I would be meeting with my tutor during the evenings on any day they chose, starting next week. When I was about to leave, curiosity got the best of me and I asked him who had volunteered to aid me in my mediocre attempt to pass the class.

Professor Breery looked at me with a wary face and answered, "Please keep an open mind because he is my best student... It's... Tom Riddle."

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