Chapter 10 - Interesting Tutoring Session & Deadly Curiosity

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I had spent the rest of my afternoon conversing with Abraxas about the quidditch game taking place soon, schooling and the pressures of carrying a powerful family name. It was a conversation that easily left me with ten pounds less, ten pounds of emotional baggage exited my body after speaking with Malfoy... who would've thought? After a while, I told him I would be at the library instead of the Great Hall, to which he protested greatly but then just let me go.

He had started following me around a bit, but I did not mind. Sometimes the boy could be a pain in the arse, but the young blonde Slytherin meant well. Unlike Riddle, who is a pain in the arse and a git.

I still cannot believe Professor Beery could not find anyone in the entire school that could help me besides Riddle; the Riddle idolatry was starting to insert itself in the professors' minds and I was fully convinced of this travesty.

It was five and ten minutes till six, soon Riddle would be arriving. I traveled through the large library corridors filled with books on everything that encompasses wizarding and its world until I found a book I had yet to read, grabbed it from its shelf and made my way towards a table in a secluded area. If I was going to wait for Riddle for ten more minutes, I could not just stare at the roof or at my nails.

A few minutes had passed and someone slammed my book shut. I looked up without having to guess who could have possibly taken such a rude action against a student quietly submerged in a book and addressed him, "Predictable Riddle should be my new name for you, it is almost as if I can see you and your despicable attitude coming from miles away. It is as if you are wearing a cow bell and a sign that says 'I'm predictable' as you make your way over! Are you capable of doing anything besides being disruptive, rude and making my life harder than it already is?"

Riddle ripped my book off my hands, slammed it against the table and sat down a little too close for comfort and said, "Well hello to you too darling, what's got your panties in a twist?"

"Oh so I'm darling now? I think I would rather hear you call me Athena again.", I retorted in an extremely sarcastic and mocking tone as I rolled my eyes.

He rolled his eyes and roughly said, "Enough pleasantries Alastair, let's see why you are the worst student Beery's ever had."

An hour and a half had passed and I had to admit that Riddle had been helpful. He could be a great teacher if that is what he wished to be, but I did not know nor care for what he wanted to do after Hogwarts. I still hate his guts and I will use his Herbology expertise to my advantage, but since I am fair and just, I have to give credit where it is due.

We were now sitting in a comfortable silence as I completed some Herbology homework. I wanted to break the silence with a witty comment because any feeling of comfort that appears within me in the presence of such a tool is worrisome, unsettling, and should not be there in the first place; but, thankfully, he beat me to it.

"I have to leave now, try to use my tutoring skills for something and do not fail this basic assignment. Goodnight Alastair.", said Riddle as he stood up from his seat.

I was extremely confused as to why he needed to leave before the two hour mark in such a hurry. Where could he possibly have to go at this time? I have always felt that Riddle had been hiding something, especially since the beginning of this school term, and the conversation I overheard between Slughorn and him only fomented this belief. Of course, confronting him about this gut feeling concerning his potential secrets would only make things worse.

I looked at his six foot frame and slowly raised my eyes until they met his and simply whispered, "Yeah umm okay, thank you and goodnight to you as well."

He simply nodded and left the library as if he were running away from me.

Curiosity has always killed the cat, but I am no cat. I waited a few seconds, then placed the book I had taken back in its place and quickly left the library. I was trailing behind Riddle trying to be as discrete as possible and knowing that he was obviously not heading anywhere near the Head of House student dormitories meant I had to be careful not to get caught as well.

I kept walking quietly and when he reached the end of the hallway he turned to the left, but when I reach the end of the hall the only thing on the left is a wall. If we headed in the same direction how is he not standing here facing the same long white stone wall? Where could have he disappeared to without me noticing? He could not have possibly apparated because apparition is not allowed at Hogwarts and both of us are have not reached the age in which this skill is allowed even outside the school. Now, more than ever, I am determined to let my curiosity wander and my ambition take over. I will surpass Riddle and I will find out what he is up to, even if it's the last thing I do.

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