Chapter 20 - Sleepless Nights & Realizations

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Last night was quite eventful to say the least. In the span of a few hours, Riddle grabbed my hand and I was not appalled, I nearly got kissed by him, and this same person exposed his plans for possible genocide.

Obviously, I did not sleep for one second. I laid in my king sized bed hugging my soft pillows and petting Blair for the entirety of the night trying to distract myself from what I would have to face today. I had dragged myself into an elaborate mess and I wanted to expose him right now in order to end it all, but a part of me was screaming not to. This small part of me, ironically, had a large influence so I decided to remain quiet. No one would know about Riddle's plans, at least for the time being.

After I had explicitly declared myself as trustworthy and reliable, Riddle simply started writing on the book he did not want to tell me about.

He spent hours writing on the book when he decided to ask, "Have you ever gone to the restricted section of the library?", to which I replied with a quick yes.

I had gone into that section once as a fourth year and I got in deep trouble, but it was definitely worth it. As soon as the affirmation left my mouth, he came up with a plan. Today, we would elaborate on and execute the first part of his mission.

I was extremely nervous, but I wanted to stick by him. Not only because he had threatened to obliviate me, but for some other reason that was unknown to me.

After a long day of classes, I went towards the Great Hall in search for Riddle, but not before someone harshly grabbed my shoulder and spun me around at the entrance. Thankfully, it was Abraxas, but I had originally thought it to be someone else. He led me towards a corner wall and said with genuine concern,

"Athena, Avery saw you and Tom at the library together, again. I know I make jokes and find Tom to be a difficult man, but I won't judge you if there is actually something going on between the lot of you. You know what I think about the possibility of you and Tom actually being anything else besides 'ex-rivals', I find it quite intriguing and very probable."

Bloody brilliant, two of the most powerful wizards at Hogwarts could not even think to be discrete at a library! Also, what is Avery's problem? Does he has some sort of personal vendetta against us or is he preparing early for a career at the Daily Prophet? That wanker never minded his business and I was starting to get bloody mad. Also, Abraxas' persistence with this topic was bothersome.

Despite my growing anger, I put on an innocent face and said, "Abraxas, you know Riddle has been helping me with Herbology from time to time. Obviously, there is nothing to hide. Now, you tell your boy Avery to mind his business and let us be."

To which he replied, "Alright mate, whatever you say I shall take as truth." as he put his hand on his heart in a dramatic manner to emphasize his statement.

Then, he ruffled with my hair and told me he would see me later. I waved Abraxas goodbye and resumed my search for the Slytherin Head Boy.

I was slowly but surely becoming less appalled by the thought of being near Riddle or even dating him, which was a scary feeling. There were many realizations I had come to concerning Riddle's true self and my feelings concerning that self that I would not dream of stating out loud or even to myself. Riddle was a deeply complex person whom I had never cared for, but I felt as if that was starting to slowly change.

I kept walking until I saw him sitting at the very last table with none other than Avery. They seemed to be in a civilized conversation, unlike the conversation Abraxas and him were in the midst of when I had found them at Hogsmeade a while ago.

I reluctantly made my way towards their table and when I was about to pat Riddle's shoulder I heard Avery exclaim, "Ay Tom, there's your girl! She is one feisty fit bird, I like her."

Riddle's face shot up defensively, but when he realized it was me he acknowledged my presence by inviting me to sit down. He did not deny the accusation, but I was definitely not his or anyone's girl.

If Avery was the one causing so much unnecessary rumours to circulate the school, specifically the Slytherin common room, why would we be making pleasantries with him and ignoring his ridiculous remarks? I hated not being able to read Riddle's mind, it was so difficult to understand his inner machinations. Despite my valid concerns towards this dodgy situation, I sat down next to Riddle and sent Avery a nasty look.

Riddle looks in my direction and says, "Besides you, Avery here is my most loyal follower. He will be helping us from time to time, specifically tonight. He will be on look out."

"Riddle, I am truly glad to know you have gotten yourself one pathetic follower, but I am a leader and an equal. Now, could you order your beloved Avery to stop spreading false information since we are obviously not going steady."

Both Riddle and Avery start laughing like maniacs while I stare at them with a look so despicable I might have looked like Riddle when he was partnered with a muggle born Gryffindor in second year; I should have known he was murderous then.

"Better teenage rumours than someone finding out our true intentions.", Avery said and Riddle nodded in agreement.

I hated being out of the loop, why couldn't Riddle just clarify this? Avery was merely trying to cover us with gossip, it was an actual smart plan. This was a smart plan because people like Abraxas bought into the gossip and would never suspect anything else.

"You should have cared to mention that Riddle, Abraxas has made it his mission to dream of us together.", I retorted.

Riddle replied, "Wait, so you don't fancy that git Malfoy?"

I almost fell of my chair, I was in shock about the words that escaped his mouth.

"Riddle, you are blinder than Abraxas. I do not fancy him, we are purely platonic as both of us have explicitly established and we shall always remain so.", I said hoping for that to be the end of the discussion.

Riddle hummed in understanding and faced Avery once again with a knowing look. I was once again, out of the loop.

He lowered his voice and started to explain his plan in more detail. Well after everyone went back to their dormitories, we would break into the Restricted Section of the Library and get a hold of every book that had the word 'horcrux' or 'immortality' plastered on its corrugated pages. While we did this, Avery would be on the look out for any teachers, students or ghosts. Both of them got up and Riddle told me to come with them.

Was it time to execute our plan?

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