Chapter 16 - Improvement & New Dynamics

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It was nearly November, I decided now would be a good time to write a short letter to my aunt. If I waited until next week, she would not be pleased.

Dear Aunt,

Thank you for providing me with the money to spend at Hogsmeade. I will be going again soon, but I still have money left from last time. Also, I have become quite close with Abraxas Malfoy and I know this will provide you some sense of pride. He and I take various classes together and hang out during the day, we even went to Hogsmeade together as friends. Lastly, I have to admit my tutor has helped me improve greatly and Professor Breery said he has already seen positive change. Hopefully, this will give you some tranquility and restore your faith in my capabilities. I will make top of the class. Hope all is well at the Ministry and at the manor, talk to you soon.

Athena Alastair

I hated writing kind words about someone I was plotting against, I almost ripped the paper to shreds; but thanks to Riddle I was doing much better in Herbology and that couldn't be denied.

Speaking of Riddle, today would be our first joint tutoring session and I will soon find out what is behind his facade. His questions to Professor Slughorn, his confrontation with Abraxas, finding him in the hidden dark room and having him shoo me away, always leaving in a hurry, and his extreme changes in attitude. It is all dodgy and there is something I have yet to discover that will tie it all together. I know Riddle is not a noble man, but I deeply hoped to not find him dabbling in dark magic. Only the most despicable wizards would turn to the dark side of magic, I did not want to imagine a seventeen year old already having an evil heart or plotting unspeakable crimes.

I will never not hate Riddle, but I saw a spark once. Once was enough for me to know it was impossible for him to do such things. I just knew he was hiding something, but whatever it was could not be as bad as I originally thought or so I hoped.

Already at the library, I opened my bag and spilled all my books on top of the table. A book slipped and was about to fall but someone caught it before it could meet the floor. My eyes met theirs and I find myself mesmerized by them. Not too long after, I realized I was staring into Riddle's eyes and pushed myself back.

His eyes were always so gloomy, intimidating and dark, but not this time. I saw it again, I did not know what to think of him anymore. He placed the book in my hands, sat down, opened his own bag, and took out the few necessary materials.

"Good evening Alastair, I hope you know what you are doing. I cannot risk to slip in a class as foolish like Divination. Only thing worse would be failing Herbology; of course, that is solely your job.". he said with a smirk displayed on his face.

I rolled my eyes and retracted my thoughts, I still could not stand him.

"Riddle, unlike you, I try my best even if I do not enjoy a certain class. But I am sure that with my skills you will easily be the second best grade in Divination.", I responded.

The current unit was mainly based on astrology and the Zodiacs; this was merely a review of what we had done in fifth and sixth year. For Riddle on the other hand, it was a difficult task. I tried breaking it down as easily and gently as I could and, since Riddle was not stupid, he understood most of what I was trying to teach him. Then, after talking for half an hour, I told him to finish the Divination work meant for the end of the week and he complied.

Yet again, we fell into our comfortable silence until I heard him say, "If you were not in my way, you would not be the worst of allies."

I dropped my quill, stared at his face and waited for him to say something rude, but it never came. Riddle was actually serious about his statement and it seemed to have no ulterior meaning. That is the closest I will get to Riddle calling me a friend and, for some unknown reason, I was not completely appalled.

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