Chapter 5 - Confrontations & Predicaments

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The next morning, I got ready as fast as humanly possible. I had yet to grab my schedule and I was ten minutes behind, I would not risk getting late to any of my classes on the first day.

I made my way to the small common room, specifically for the Head of Houses, and noticed all of our papers lying in a neat pile on the center table. As I went to grab a hold of my schedule, I noticed that Riddle had already grabbed his and another student's as well. I did not want to assume he would grab mine and hide it like he did in second year, but as I looked at the other papers on the pile, I was proven wrong. Making my way towards him with an angry deformed face, he looks up and smirks at me in a way only the most wicked could; it was scary to say the least.

Soon enough, I was facing him and said, "I do not have time for pleasantries Riddle, I believe you have something of mine."

Then, he carefully studies my long slim frame and slowly but surely his eyes make way towards mine and whispers, "Ah yes, Alastair already angry at seven in the morning. Not surprised by that ugly scowl that constantly ruins a rather pretty looking face, but yes I indeed have something that belongs to you. How satisfying it is to see you all riled up! I'm no longer in need of this, so here you go."

After his small patronizing monologue, I was still processing the fact he had indirectly called me pretty. Never in a million years would someone like Riddle compliment anyone, much less someone he despised. But that was not important, I currently needed my schedule more than I needed to explore his inner psyche.

I yanked my schedule from his hand and said, "Why must you take what is not yours? Did the orphanage skip the lesson on manners and not stealing other people's property?"

I stooped pretty low, but with Riddle there is no such thing as too low. Especially not after the rumors he spread about me in third-year to get me in trouble with Dumbledore, but that is a story for another day. He started maniacally laughing at me and walked away. Maybe his cold heart felt a tiny sting by my comment, but it isn't like he hasn't said or done worse. I shook my head and took a look at my schedule.

Hogwarts School of Wizarding and Witchcraft Student Schedule

Alastair, Athena (7th year, Ravenclaw)

Period 1: DADA

Period 2: Divination

Period 3: Charms

Period 4: Transfiguration

Period 5: Potions

Period 6: Herbology

Period 7; elective: Muggle Studies

As I looked at my schedule I mentally groaned. Of course, my favorite classes were during the morning, which was good. But someone decided to make my life miserable and put my worst subject as sixth period, who would do that? Definitely, someone who wanted me to fail Herbology.

It could not have been Riddle because the schedules are enchanted and no one can make alterations besides Dumbledore once it is ready for the student. I am merely overreacting, as I do from time to time. It is not that I disliked Professor Beery, but Herbology was just a useless class that was difficult for me to excel in. I guess I'll suffer then! As long as elective period does not worsen the situation I can still have a good year, finish top of the class and do great on my N.E.W.Ts, much to Riddle's dismay.

After breakfast, I made my way through the halls nearing the DADA classroom and I clumsily ran into someone while trying to rush inside. Once I stepped back I noticed it was Slytherin seventh year student and fellow pureblood wizard, Abraxas Malfoy, whom I had ran into. He was always rather kind to me, mainly because of our status as wealthy purebloods, but I still appreciated not having him as my enemy.

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