Chapter 29 - Insane Boyfriend & Date at Hogsmeade

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The following day, I woke up feeling more tired than usual. I had very minimal sleep last night, which made itself seen on my face. Luckily, there was no class today since we would be returning to Hogsmeade for the last days of winter tomorrow morning.

Now standing in front of my mirror, I observed my puffy face, dark circles, red eyes and droopy appearance. For the entirety of the night, I laid on my back wide awake with my heart was racing reflecting on Riddle and I's new status. I tried distracting myself with some reading, but I was unsuccessful as well. I could not sleep, could not read and could not take my mind off Riddle.

After everything that went down between us, he had not made his feelings clear until yesterday afternoon. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be going steady with Tom Riddle, but here I was. I truly felt like one of those teenage girls muggle male authors write about; completely filled with innocence, infatuation and joy despite their bleak surroundings or life situations.

Getting ready, I tried to look pretty by doing my hair and covering my eye bags that looked like fading bruises from a fist fight. For some reason I cared for my appearance today more than I ever did, of course, except for when I attended the Yule Ball. Usually, I would want to look presentable, but today I wanted to look my very best.

My aunt would definitely approve of this change because she hated when I would do the 'bare minimum' in concerns to my appearance. She believed someone of my status should care more about what she looks like and how other people perceived her, but that was all ignored by me. I was not an ugly girl if you saw me through the lens of conventional societal standards subjectivity, but going the extra mile to go to class was deemed unnecessary from my part.

I brushed through my tangled hair, braided small strands in the front section, and placed flower pins on each side. Then, I put on my cleanest robes and made sure to keep Blair as far away from the robes as possible. Finishing up my routine, I heard a knock on the door. That was strange, if it was any of the other student they would have announced their identity after knocking and it could not be Riddle because we would always meet at the common room. Setting aside my things, I straightened myself and got ready to leave.

Slowly, I opened the door and saw the person who found themselves awkwardly standing in front of it.

"Good morning", Riddle spoke softly.

"Umm... hi.", I replied with a hint of confusion in my voice.

I did not even think he knew where my room was, much less that he would stand by my door at seven in the morning.

He rested his shoulder on the side of the door, looking back up to me and with much difficulty said, "I thought it would be a... ni... nice... a nice thing to do if I took you to Hogsmeade this weekend. Like... umm... like on a date."

Internally I was jumping and squealing like a little girl that just got a new toy, but I remained composed on the outside. He could not even say the word 'nice' without intense struggle, but it is the thought that counts. Tom Riddle was a man of few words, but the statements that did escape his sharp tongue were always smooth and assertive. Right now, that did not seem to be the case. He seemed hesitant and nervous to be asking a question anyone would ask their friend or significant other with ease. If I had not seen him with Abraxas that one time, I would have assumed he did not even know what Hogsmeade was.

Hogsmeade was 'the place' for couples to go during the winter. I went with Abraxas once merely as friends. Anyone can go as friends, but everyone knows that if a boyfriend takes you on a trip Hogsmeade it means he is serious about the relationship. Waiting for my response, he removed his side from the door jamb and stood with confidence.

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