(EPILOGUE) Chapter 46 - Graduation & Life with a Changed Man

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Since the day of my aunt's funeral, muggleborn wizards and muggles have begun to mysteriously banish from their workplace, homes and anywhere they would seek familiarness. Their disappearances being plastered all over the Daily Prophet and the fear displayed on the faces of those who were still with their family was a daily reminder that something sinister was coming faster than originally anticipated. It was sort of as if my aunt's death was merely a warning of what was to come. What would become of our lives and how our world would adapt to the rising threats consumed my thoughts, almost blocking out Headmaster Dumbledore's long discourse.

Graduation day had arrived and having no one to look for in the crowd was slightly gut wrenching, but my new family was graduating alongside me. Redirecting my focus back to my surroundings and Dumbledore's words, I straightened my gown and forwarded my gaze.

The Great Hall replaced the High Table with a small stage and podium and its four long tables and house decorations with chairs for other students and family to enjoy the ceremony and golden ornaments that complimented its night sky roof. All seventh years sat neatly arranged in last name based alphabetical order behind the wooden podium waiting for the grand moment to come; the moment we would receive our diplomas.

Every single one of my friends sat on the opposite side of the platform, leaving me to contemplate my thoughts until I was called upon. Fortunately, I would be the first one called.

Not only would I be the first called, but I was granted the opportunity to give a speech. Tom and I had, unsurprisingly, tied for top of the class based on class requirements met and scores earned throughout the years, but I would be the only one giving a speech because our tie was no longer considered once the NEWTs scores were revealed. I had scores all Os; Outstanding, while Tom scored all Os and one E; Exceeds Expectations. This had upset and even slightly angered Tom for a few days, understandably so, but in the end he was happy for the both of us.

I walked across the stage and to the podium, I gave a hypocritical speech. I was trained for this, affluent wizards were raised on appearances. Every public appearance was to be treated as an acting opportunity, not an authentic nor fun experience. Of course, I had grown tremendously both emotionally and physically, my heart knew what I wanted to say. But I simply assured everyone that with hard work, anyone else could accomplish what they set their minds to as well as clarifying that the rising threats to our world was nothing of concern. Of course, I was spewing lies, but once graduated I inherited the responsibilities that came with carrying such a powerful surname. The public needed me, now more than ever. I finished my speech, which received resounding applause, and I strutted from the podium back to my seat.


Once the ceremony ended with concluding words of encouragement and the long lasting ritual of throwing our caps in the air, I knew I needed to properly close many chapters before I could happily begin the new narration to my life. I slowly approached Professor Trewlaney and before I could hug her, she embraced me first.

"I was expecting you, I saw you coming for days yet I wanted to be the one to give you the goodbye hug you so deeply deserve. I will miss you, young bright Athena.", Trewlaney softly spoke as she tightened her hold around me.

Placing my head near her shoulder I replied, "You were the mother I never had, you know where I'll be if you need anything."

I was practically guaranteed a place in the Ministry, whether as an Auror or as anything I so wished to become, I was an Alastair after all. Since I knew the connections that would follow me, I extended those to the only person that gave me the love I knew I needed and deserved specifically when I yearned for it.

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