Chapter 21 - Restricted Section & Falling

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Riddle, Avery and I hid behind a large wall and kept quiet until everyone was making their way back to the common rooms. Once Avery made sure the coast was clear, we sped walked towards the library. Riddle and I trailed behind with our wands at the ready, just in case.

I was scared to say the least, my small acts of rebellion never took place after hours nor would the risk of my expulsion be a factor. Usually, I would just confront a teacher about an unjust rule or stand up to a bully.

The three of us quietly entered the library, which for some reason was never locked, and we tip toed our way to the entrance of the Restricted Section. Usually, we would need a written permission slip, but we could not ask for a professor to let us go anywhere after hours. I had no idea how we would enter this section, but Riddle stored his faith in whatever abilities he believed I possessed.

I had entered once, without the permission slip, but it was because I was trailing behind a professor that had made their way inside as well. Today, I had no idea how we would successfully enter this section of the library.

Now, we were facing the golden rope that closed off the rest of the library from this section. Beyond that rope, books which its content were purely dark magic, valuable information and items, and inappropriate filled the corridors. Riddle grabbed the rope and quickly untied it, making way for us to enter.

That was it? Here I thought we would need to perform advanced spells to enter what was basically the forbidden forest of books and all it took was untying a rope. Hogwarts needed to do much better to protect its prized possessions and students from harm's way, but that is a topic for another day.

Sharing a wicked smile, we made our way inside and told Avery to send us a signal if anyone else were to make their presence known.

"So, besides 'horcrux' and 'immortality' should I be piqued by any of the books here?", I asked.

"Not really, but if you think something is useful then grab it without regard for the rules. I trust you can do that, right?", Riddle replied.

I quickly nodded and started my hours long search.

In our usual comfortable silence, Riddle and I had spent hours searching for all sorts of books and placed them inside a school bag we would be taking to the Room of Requirement. Avery, having been quiet for hours, reassured us that no one was there. But instead of taking his word for it, I glanced in his direction and noticed that he was starting to walk away from the library.

"Riddle, you do know Avery is leaving us here, right?", I asked. "He was supposed to be looking out for us."

"I was the one who told him to leave. We shall not be needing him anymore. I just like to make him feel special every once in a while, it guarantees he sticks around."

I nodded in understanding, Avery was not truly necessary for this or any of his missions, but instead was being trained to become Riddle's future servant. Hopefully, that future would not be the same for me.

I grabbed a book which intrigued me by its soft cover, and I opened it. It held information about horcruxes and one of the lines said, " split your soul and hide part of it in an object outside the body. Then, even if one's body is attacked or destroyed, one cannot die, for part of the soul remains earthbound and undamaged. But of course, existence in such a form . . ." and before I could read anything else I slammed the book shut. I knew what was going to be said next. Immortality couldn't be granted without a price, that price being the life of another.

Riddle was planning on murdering someone and soon.

It was more than just getting rid of a few muggle borns years from now. This was very dark magic we were dabbling with, but somehow I wanted to believe Riddle would not go through with his diabolical plans.

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