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"J-josh?" A voice wakes Amelia out of her nap. Confused and tired she rubs her eyes and looks towards the door to see a teary eyed yet short and pretty black haired girl staring at them.

Looking down she notices how cuddled up her and Josh were, just like old times. Yet again, strictly platonic. When it clicks in her head. Six months ago before she left she remembered Josh telling her about a small crush he had but it hadn't gone further at that time so they hadn't met.

"Are you Nessa?" Amelia questions with a lazy smile.

Nessa nods her head, her whole body tense as she stares at the both of them.

"Oh yay!" She beams a bright smile at the girl making the girl feel very strange. Not knowing what the girls intentions were. "Well what're you waiting for?" Amelia questions. Josh still snoring from behind her.

"Uhm I don't understand?" Nessa chokes out.

Amelia furrows her eyebrows before making an 'oh' face. "I'm Amelia! Come cuddle so I can get to know my best friend's girlfriend!" She squeals quietly.

Honestly Nessa was extremely confused at the moment. When she first saw them all cuddled up together she thought that Josh had cheated on her and she was hurt. But then the woman smiled at her and asked her to cuddle. So she slowly walked towards the bed and squealed when Amelia yanks her into the bed.

"So Nessa... tell me about yourself." Amelia wiggles her brows making Nessa let out a surprise giggle.

About an hour later Josh finally begins to stir awake to the sound of loud laughs and the bed moving around. Confused beyond belief he lifts his head and his confusion only grew from there.

A small fort made of pillows and blankets was made right next to his bed, and that's when he looked down and realized he didn't have a pillow or a blanket. The only thing left on the bed was the sheet.

"Oh my gosh tell me more!" Nessa laughs loudly, Josh's eyes widen drastically when he realizes Nessa was here.

"Oh ya! One time he sprained his ankle because he fell down the stairs trying to record a musical.ly." Amelia laughs loudly and Nessa joins in.

"What the actual..." Josh mumbles before slowly standing from the bed and walking towards the 'entrance' of the fort where he could see the girls all cuddled up doing each other's makeup. "Am I dreaming?" He mumbles.

"Hey!" Nessa smiles widely, mentally imagining him falling down the stairs as he records a cringey musical.ly making her start laughing all over again.

"Yep." Josh mumbles to himself. "Definitely a dream."

"It's a not a dream, bear." Amelia laughs at the confused boy.

"When did you two meet?" He questions cautiously.

"While you were asleep." Nessa shrugs like it was no big deal.

"And you're... okay with each other?" He questions skeptically. He honestly thought that Nessa would get jealous and angry and then Amelia would fire back and hate her.

"Yeah." Amelia nods frantically. "We're actually engaged." She says making Nessa giggle.

"Nope. I'm too tired for this shit." Josh shakes his head with wide eyes before exiting the room looking like he was traumatized.

He walks into the living room to see Addison, Jaden, Griffin, Avani, Anthony, Kio, and Bryce all on their phones or watching tv.

Anthony notices the boys face and laughs. "What's up with you?"

Everyone's eyes were now trained on the wide eyed boy.

The only words he could get out in his tired state was, "Nessa, Amelia, fort, giggling, engaged." Before he walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Avani laughed loudly "Is he on drugs?"

"Wait Amelia Rae is here?" Kio questions loudly looking like an excited puppy.

"Dude have you not been paying any attention?" Bryce looks at the boy dumbly.

"Why do you look so surprised? She's my sister." Addison questions with a scrunched up nose.

"Well no ones heard from her in six months." Kio shrugs like it was obvious.

"Why do you know that?" Griffin laughs loudly.

"TikTok room." He sends a pointed glance at Griffin with an eye roll.

"I'm going to go see what he was talking about." Jaden gets up and jogs up the stairs not letting anyone say anything before he left.

"I think Jaden likes your sister." Griffin comments with a smirk towards Addison.

"Can someone catch me up on this." Anthony comments waving his hand towards the ceiling. "Whatever this is."

Jaden walks towards Josh's door and slightly smiles when he hears Amelias laughs. And suddenly everything Josh said in the living room made sense. Because there they sat in a small fort all giggly together.

Leaning against the doorway he decides he probably looked like a creep watching her with out her knowing and clears his throat. Amelia and Nessa look towards Jaden and Amelia sends him a beaming smile that gives him butterflies.

Nessa looks between the two with a knowing look before standing up. "I'm gonna go find Josh."

"Hi." Jaden sends her a lazy smile once Nessa has exited the room.

"Hi." Amelia replies with a smile of her own.

"Wanna go sit by the pool?" He questions like it was no big deal but was silently praying she'd say yes.

"Yeah sure." She stands up with the help of his hand.

Suddenly he twirls her around and she's sent into a fit of laughter. "Oo girl, look at you all in my clothes looking good and shit." He hypes her up making her blush.

She smacks his naked chest and shoves him lightly making him hold his hands up in surrender. "Violent are we?"

She jokingly scoffs and walks out of the room with him trailing behind her like a lost puppy.

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