Part 19

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Warnings: Sexual harassment


"Well lets go!" I shouted as I grabbed Luci's hand and started dragging him up the stairs.

Recap end. 

The drive to the club was... loud to say the least. All of the angels (and god) had just flew over there to scope the place out while Dean, Sam, Rowena, and I decided to just drive. The drive started off normal. Dean's music floated through the air with him humming and occasionally muttering the lyrics. I rested my head against the window and smiled. It was nice to have him back. The normalcy had gotten to my head, and before I knew it I was half asleep. That was until the song had changed, and Taylor Swift's voice had began to invade Dean's 'safe space'. 

"And the player's gonna play,play,play...." I chuckled as I sat up straight, leaning forward to see Dean's hand smack at Sam's whose hand was covering the knob. I laughed quietly with a shake of my head as I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Oh come on De, last time this song was playing you didn't seem to mind." I spoke thoughtfully and teasingly as I moved to rest my hand on the back of his seat. 

"(Y/N), that day was stressful okay? We just went through a whole Hansel & Gretel horror-show and I was still horomonal." He spoke narrowing his eyes at me as he looked at me through the rearview mirror. He could try all he wanted but I could tell he was trying not to smile. 

I rolled my eyes playfully before patting him on the shoulder and leaning back. Okay bud. 

"Hey why didn't you head over there with your boyfriend and his family?" Dean spoke as his eyes now refocused back onto the road. 

I raised my eyebrows. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to hang out with my human friends I guess. Well more or less." I spoke while elbowing Rowena who had shook her head at our antics.

Dean nodded and opened his mouth to speak but Sam looked over at him and he closed his mouth quickly. I narrowed my eyes once again. 

"What's up guys?" I spoke knowing that something was off. Sam glared at Dean, making Dean shake his head in return. 

"Okay i'm not a wizard, but seriously don't make me legilimens your guys' asses." I glared, getting irritated. 

"Oh, hey, we're here," Dean pointed out as if I hadn't noticed that we had pulled into the parking lot and parked. 

"Dean Winchester I swear to whatever god is real-" I started, but before I could finish my threat both him and Sam had gotten out of the car and slammed each of their doors. My mouth was agape as I looked over at Rowena. She gave me an encouraging smile and patted me on the shoulder before getting out herself. 

Looking outside, I watched as the Winchesters dissapeared behind the neon lit doors of the club. I shook my head as I got out myself. Adjusting my outfit, I tried to shake away any suspicions, but the feeling that maybe Dean wasn't as accepting about everything as I had thought stayed in the back of mind. 

"Hey gorgeous," A slightly husky voice had spoke, startling me as I turned to the unkown man. As I looked him up and down I couldn't help but admire him. He was certainly attractive, but as he stalked closer, I couldn't help but be slightly uncomfortable in his presence. 

Not demon, or blood thirsty vampire uncomfortable, as this man was certainly human (thanks newly acquired powers), but still very uncomfortable. I stood up a little straighter and let my face fall into a neutral, and slightly bitchy, expression. 

"Hello." My tone was even. 

"Do you need an escort in the club?" He asked looking me up and down with a smirk. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, but seeing as he had been 'kind' enough to keep his distance I just decided to shake my head. 

"I'm fine, I'm with my friends anyways." I started walking away. A hand gripped my wrist, turning me around roughly as he leant down to my height. 

"You're just such a prettly little thing. Can they take car of you as well as I could?" My nose crinkled in disgust. 

"Yes," I started, ripping my hand away quite effortlessly, "way better than you can in fact." I spoke as I crossed my arms. 

He grabbed my biceps roughly in anger  before pulling me towards him. I threw my head back before head-butting him roughly making his grip give away as he stumbled back and brought his hand to his face. Blood ran under his nose and into his hand. 

"You little bitch," he said as he started reaching towards me. I let his fist come hurtling towards me before grabbing it and squeezing, tilting my head in amusement as he let out a scream. I pushed him back and watched as he fell to the ground. He grabbed his hand as he started scooching away form me in fear. 

I leant down towards him. "But I feel like I can do pretty damn good on my own." 

I stood back up before brushing myself off and starting to fix my hair as a familiar chuckle caught my attention. I turned around smirking while drinking in how great Lucifer looked as he leant against the door. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The neon reflecting over his face made him look quite angelic. No pun intended. 

"Hello Lucifer," I spoke just above a whisper, as the man behind me had stood up and ran in the opposite direction. Lucifer, still smirking, pushed himself off of the wall before he sauntered towards me with his familiar attitude in every step. My expression had turned into a small smile. 

"Hello my love," He spoke just as quietly as I had. He stopped and stood a mere two inches away from me. I craned my neck to look him in the eyes. His expression relaxed as he tilted his head. Is that just an angel thing? The adorable head tilting thing? 

I was about to reach out and touch him, but he beat me too it. He wrapped his hands around my waist, linking his fingers against my back before pulling me towards him until I was flush against him. My hands went up to toy with the collar of his shirt before linking my hands behind his neck, my eyes wandering up to meet his passionate gaze. 

He leant down touching our foreheads together. We stood there for a couple of seconds before he moved his head towards me again, our lips connecting. Our lips started moving in sync as I moved one of my hands up to run through his hair. Our lips moved slowly but passionately, finding that perfect rythym almost instantly. 

He started rubbing small circles against my hip before pulling his head away. My head immediately moved forwards, trying to find his lips again. He chuckled before removing his arms, only to throw one arm around my waist, pulling me into his side as he started leading me towards the entrance of the club. 

I must have been pouting because he shook his head with a smile before apologizing. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but if we kept that up you would not have even made it into the club." I giggled as we entered, my eyes immediately finding the rest of my dysfunctional family tucked away in a booth in the corner obviously waiting for Lucifer and I. 

Okay there! First update since April. Im so sorry guys. The next two chapters will both be out sometime in the next two or three days. I hope to update this book every Friday after those chapters are out, starting next week. Thank you so much for reading you guys are awesome and deserve the world!

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