Part 13

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I applied more pressure against his lips and gripped at his shoulders as his hands went down to hips. I didn't care whether they were ready or not but when he pulled away I bit down on his lip HARD. I could taste blood as his nails dug into my hips before he jumped away. "What the hell?!" "Get away from my soulmate brother." Lucifer boomed from behind him his eyes ablaze.
Recap end.
Michael let out a growl before he turned me around and held an archangel blade to my neck. "Nice try Lucifer. But I'm afraid she belongs to me now," Michael seethed from behind me as he pushed the blade farther into my neck. "She doesn't belong to anybody," Lucifer growled as he looked at my neck.

I could feel the blade sink into my skin causing a stinging pain. I grasped at his arms but it was no use. "Tell them who you belong to." When I didn't say anything his fingers wound into my hair and yanked my head back so that we were making eye contact.

"Tell them who you serve (Y/N)," he growled before he released my hair. I looked directly into Lucifer's eyes. He looked worried, scared even. I glanced at Sam and Gabe. They were both angered but they looked like they could start crying at any moment as well. Cas would have looked the same to anyone else but we were friends. I knew when he was scared.

"Myself," I said emotionlessly before throwing my head back and kicking his knee in, twisting the arm with the knife behind his back. I grabbed at the back of his coat and threw him across the room making him hit the wall. As he flew across the room the blade also flew out of his hand.

I didn't know how I knew it would work but I held my hand towards the blade and it stopped moving. In fact it actually started floating towards me. I gripped the handle and started stalking towards Michael who was just attempting to stand up.

I gripped his coat again and held the blade to his neck. He chuckled. "You wouldn't kill me (Y/N). Not when I'm using this meatsuit." This is when I started to chuckle.

He tilted his head to look back at me with a confused expression. "Who said I was going to kill you." I asked grinning before I grabbed his hair and threw it into the concrete wall. His body dropped to the floor as blood dropped down the side of his head. And before I could look toward them I was wrapped in three pairs of arms.
I chuckled as Sam ruffled my hair. Cas was rubbing my back and Gabe buried his head under my arm like a dog begging for attention. After thirty seconds I tugged away and looked to the side. Lucifer and Chuck were standing there side by side. Chuck stepped towards the boys and I stepped towards Lucifer.
I gave him a small smile and he returned it. He lifted his hand up and healed my throat. Before I could say anything Lucifer shouted out, "I'm sorry!" My eyes widened and I shook my head gently. "That was really loud but it's been a while since I apologized to somebody and meant it." He spoke again and I could hear the other boys chuckling rather loudly.
I glanced behind me and noticed Chuck pointing to the door and then sam grabbed the unconscious Michael and started walking out.

After the door to the hallway shut I glanced back to Lucifer and noticed he was just staring at me. "So you know that we're..... soulmates?" I asked quietly. He nodded silently. That's when I noticed them. The tears in his eyes. Oh my god why did that bring me to the edge of sobbing. We were just standing there staring at each other. There were no words being exchanged.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when he let out a strangled cry and fell to the ground and hugged my knees. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt the hot liquid fall down my face as I dropped to the floor and wrapped my arms around his back. I hiccuped and gasped for air as small sobs left his lips.
I pulled away gently and grabbed the side of his face in the palm of my hand.

It was time. "Lucifer," I whispered.
"I love you."

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