Part 7

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When I woke up, I sat up and and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to Lucifer's side of the bed and saw that he was still asleep.

I carefully got out of the bed and went over to my dresser to put on some clothes. I chose dark blue skinny jeans and a gray tank top, with a flannel over it.

I looked back one more time to see Lucifer move in his sleep and then I walked out. When I got in the kitchen, Sam smiled, Chuck smiled even wider than Sam, and Gabriel smirked.

Jack ran in, and grabbed a jug of orange juice and then left again. "Why does he need a whole jug of orange juice?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.  Sam sighed and stood up. "I'll go check on him." I nodded and as soon as he left, Chuck and Gabriel jumped up and Chuck sighed and grabbed his wallet, pulled out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to Gabriel.

I crossed my arms. "What are you two doing?" Gabriel smirked again. "We bet on when you two would finally get together." He paused. "And I said by the end of this week and I obviously won."

"You - you heard?!" I asked bringing my voice down to a whisper. Chuck nodded. "Angels and I have impeccable hearing." I nodded slowly and rubbed my temples. "Wait." I snapped my head up. "Does that mean Anael heard?!" Chuck slowly nodded. "Most likely." I face palmed.

"Well it might have just been sex." I whispered even though I hoped that it wasn't. Gabriel rolled his eyes, and right on cue Lucifer walked in. Gabe threw his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him with a grin. I laid my head on his chest and yawned.

I closed my eyes still tired from the.... long night I had. I opened my eyes again and saw Lucifer glaring at Gabe with a passion. I sighed and pulled my head back up. Sam walked in with a now half empty jug of orange juice with the most confused look ever.

I raised an eyebrow. "I walked in and asked him why he just took the jug of orange juice and he just glared at me, opened it and chugged over half of it in five seconds." Sam said slowly.

Lucifer cackled and held onto his sides. "That's interesting." I laughed. "Why do you look so tired?" Sam asked apparently noticing my drooping figure. I shrugged and looked at the floor. Gabriel snorted and I stomped on his foot.

He yelped and glared at me halfheartedly. "I was um..... watching Netflix." Sam tilted his head a little. "With Lucifer?"  I nodded. "Ya! We were watching Disney movies." I said quickly. I glanced at Lucifer and saw that he had a smirk on his face. When he saw me staring he winked and I looked down feeling the blood rush to my face.

Sam nodded skeptically but turned to look at Chuck nonetheless. "Do you have a lead on Michael yet?"  Chuck sighed and shook his head. "He's hiding very well. It's gonna' take a while even with powers."

"He must have felt your 'righteousness' when you came from the other dimension?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Kind of." He spoke ignoring my sarcasm.

Anael walked through the door, and I let my head fall out of shame. I mean I kind of  did screw her boyfriend last night. As soon as I heard her grunt, I raised my head and watched as she walked over to Lucifer.

Okay screw shame. Get away from my man bitch. I glared at her and crossed my arms over my chest. Wow I am not being subtle at all. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room as he let her put her hand over his chest.

I walked over to our-I mean my room. As soon as I walked in, someone grabbed me by the hand from behind. They spun me around and I was met with Lucifer looking at me with a frown.

I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm out of his grasp. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand, and flopped down on my back. I started playing games and just as I almost beat my high-score, Lucifer straddled my waist and just kind of sat there.

After I started the second round, Lucifer groaned over dramatically, and kissed my forehead and trailed little kisses down to my neck. When I didn't show a reaction, he whined. "(Y/N) stop ignoring me!"  I just kept playing my game.

After a couple more minutes of silence, he yanked my phone out of my hand and threw it behind him. I glared up at him and he smirked, finally receiving some sort of attention.

Then he pouted. "Why are you upset?" He asked, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Well one I kind of feel terrible because you're cheating on Jo with me." I closed my eyes. "Two I don't know what I mean to you." I whispered in fear of getting pushed away.

He pulled out of my arms. "(Y/N). Baby open your eyes." I opened my eyes and saw his expression soften. 

"I don't know what this feeling is and it kind of scares me. But I know that you mean something to me. We'll figure it out okay?" I nodded and smiled as he leaned into kiss me.

Right before our lips touched I heard a small gasp come from the door way. I whipped my head to the side and stared at the slightly mortified Jack.

I sat up quickly making Lucifer fall back onto the mattress. "Jack..." I spoke slowly and quietly.  I heard Lucifer sigh and felt the bed move. "Geez kid. You do not have very good timing do you?" Lucifer asked trailing a hand down his face. 

I threw my legs over the side of the mattress and stood up slowly, walking over to Jack in quick strides. I closed the door behind him and motioned him over to the bed. He walked over and stood beside it tilting his head. I sighed and looked up.

"Okay," I started, "You can't tell Sam or Cas about this. Okay buddy?" He hugged me out of randomness. "Okay mom." I smiled at this and wrapped my arms around him tighter. He smiled up at me and then ran out of the room. I sat back down and buried my face in my hands and sighed. Lucifer wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest.

"It's okay. I mean as long as he knows how to keep his mouth shut." I laughed. "Now what do you want to do?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I shrugged. "We could 'watch more Disney movies.'" He said with a big smirk.

I giggled and shook my head. "Hm.... maybe we could." I stated pretending to think about it. "In the shower!" I yelled and ran toward the bathroom. I looked behind me and saw him fumble around. Needless to say if Anael didn't hear us last night then she probably will today... considering the fact that her room is just a wall away from the bathroom.

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