Part 22

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With a flutter of her wings, (Y/N) was gone, and Dean dropped to the floor with a choked sob, feeling like he shouldn't have come back. At all.
Recap end
Weary eyes moved towards you as you appeared near the table in the bunker. Mary made her way towards you with a gentle look on her face, obviously ready to attempt to diffuse an argument. You smiled back at her and you could see some tension leave her shoulders. Ketch was the one to break the silence.

"Did you kill Dean, princess?"

You chuckled and shook your head before pushing your way to the hall to get to your room. You noticed Lucifer wasn't in the room with everyone else. Chuck was also missing. As you passed him, Gabe laid a hand on your shoulder and stopped you.

"We'll talk later. Promise." He let you go and you continued to your room.

You heard Lucifer and Chuck speaking as you walked into your room. Lucifer was bent over the dresser pulling some clothes out to get ready for bed. They both turned towards you as you arrived and instantly straightened up as they realized who you were.

Lucifer stayed silent and kept a completely neutral expression as he ran his eyes up and down your body trying to decipher what was going through your head.

"(y/n) I realize why you would be upset about trying to keep the thing with Michael a secret but-"

You raised a hand before he could finish explaining and he closed his mouth.

"Im not upset about that anymore, although I would like an explanation. At a later time." You spoke calmly with a smile.

Chuck smiled and nodded and your gaze moved over to Lucifer. Lucifer held eye contact and you glanced at Chuck a couple of times before moving your gaze back to Lucifer. Lucifer instantly got the message and stared at Chuck for a longer period of time.

Chuck didn't get the hint and you snorted a little bit. Chuck looked back at Lucifer expectantly.

"Dad," Lucifer started in his usual sarcastic tone, "could I speak to my girlfriend alone."

Your head snapped over to look at Lucifer along with Chuck.

"Girlfriend?" You and Chuck both asked. Chucks tone was a bit more teasing and yours was just surprise.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but there was no sign of malice towards his father. He nodded after a few seconds and Chuck laughed a little bit before passing you to leave the room, closing the door on his way out.

"Girlfriend?" You asked with a little tilt of your head. Lucifer rolled his eyes again before he started making his way towards you.

"Sure. I mean I'm never usually one for labels, but I wouldn't be opposed to telling people that you're mine."

He placed his hands on your hips and stood smirking down at you. You hummed as you gently pushed him away from you and he cocked his brow.

"I completely understand and appreciate that. But I need to tell you something and before I do, you need to remember that I am, in fact, yours."

His playful expression dropped for a couple of seconds before being put back up. It was only there for a fleeting moment, but it was there. You could tell. Easily.

You gripped his biceps and guided him over to the bed. He kept eye contact with you and allowed you to guide him so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. You dropped down beside him and took a deep breath.

"I'm not going to tell you to not get mad. I am aware that asking you that would be completely hypocritical because I would be mad if it happened with you. But I do need you to promise me that you won't hurt him."

Lucifer's jaw clenched and he moved his hands a bit farther away from you. And you let out a shaky breath. That hurt, but you didn't blame him.

"Dean was telling me more about Michael and then it got a lot more personal about our, we'll, past."

The room was tense and the glass on your night stand started to ice up. You weren't sure if that was from you or him.  The atmosphere was gloomy and you couldn't help but fidget with your fingers a bit as he looked into your eyes.

"Dean ended up telling me about how he still has feelings for me."

You glanced back up at him only to notice he was breathing a bit heavier and you instantly calmed your own. He nodded telling you to explain. Deans feeling must've been obvious as Lucifer didn't seem shocked.

"He kissed me Lucifer-" you were ready to continue, but the light bulb on your lamp burst and Lucifer instantly shot up.

You grabbed at his hands, but instead of you pulling him down, he pulled you up.

"Lucifer please, I swear to you, I stopped it as soon as it happened." He made no moves to pull his hands away from yours.

"(y/n)," he spoke lowly, "I trust you. You are not who i am upset with."

You nodded slowly. He was way to serious to not be absolutely furious.

"Dean however," his tone moved back up in pitch and a malevolent smirk made its way to his face, "needs to learn not to touch things that don't belong to him."

Just as he finished speaking a slamming car door could be heard from above ground.

"Lucifer don't-" he disappeared just as the door to the bunker opened.

"Fuck." You ran a hand down your face before teleporting to the stairs.

The Future (Lucifer x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon