Chapter 19 (A)

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Hermione made her way to her bedroom once Lucius and Draco's voices could no longer be heard. She promptly slumped onto her bed and checked the time on the clock. 8 P.M. Draco's message didn't specify any time to meet, but she figured he wanted her to wait until nightfall. Sighing, she got up and traveled across the hallway to Draco's room.

This was her third time in his room and the only time she wasn't worried about him walking in on her. She scanned the perimeter and took in all of the little details that she hadn't taken notice of beforehand. Her eyes soon landed on his desk, which was hidden behind his large bed. She wandered over to it, hoping to find a juicy diary entry or something along those lines. However, all that was on there was a single piece of lined paper. Even though it wasn't really her business, she craned her head to read the letter.


I miss you more every day. You make me happier than anyone else and I hope I do the same for you. Please come and visit me. I must see you again.



Hermione slowly placed the paper back where it was. Though it wasn't dated, she could tell that Draco had received it recently. He wouldn't have kept it on his desk on if it didn't mean anything to him. Hermione blinked back tears and stormed out of Draco's room. She went directly to the roof, completely forgetting that he would be meeting her up there. Her eyes were immediately met with a bright red rose sitting atop an envelope. She cried harder at the sight of the letter, bringing her mind right back to the note from whoever Astoria was.

"Hermione?" Malfoy's voice sounded behind her.

She turned to see Draco's face, which was laced with concern. He bent over and wiped her tears away.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"You... you lied to me!" Hermione said through sobs.

Draco looked at her, utterly confused.

"Lied? About what?"

"I saw the note! I know about Astoria," she said.

"What note? And who in the world is Astoria?" Draco responded.

"I already know, Draco. Please just tell me the truth," Hermione pleaded.

"I am telling you the truth," Malfoy said in a pained tone.

"Then how did the note end up on your table? Who is Astoria?"

"I'm wondering the same thing! Hermione, I've never heard that name in my life and have certainly never gotten a note from her. I have no idea how that ended up on my table. It wasn't there earlier today," Draco said.

Hermione sniffled and looked up at him. Slowly, their eyes widened as they made the same realization.

"Bellatrix," Hermione gasped.

"And Fred," Draco added.

When they had spotted Bella and Fred frolicking down the hallway, it seemed as though they came from the direction of the staircase.

"So that's what they were whispering about," Hermione said.

"I can't believe this. Why would they do something like that? Why try to break us apart?" Malfoy pondered.

"Well, Fred has always been quite the prankster. I think. Maybe that was just the person pretending to be him... anyways, he would never go that far. I feel like Bella is mostly at fault here-you know how she can be," Hermione suggested.

Though Bellatrix was Draco's dear aunt, he couldn't disagree with Hermione. Bella was definitely a little bit unhinged, especially considering her current love life situation.

"I'm so sorry for all of this," Draco said, enveloping Hermione in a tight hug.

"Hey, it's not your fault," she said before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Draco stroked her hair as she rested her head on her shoulder. They stayed like that until the brisk air forced them to go back inside.

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