Chapter 3 (A)

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"Hermione! I see you've gotten our letter," Narcissa said warmly. Lucius said nothing but let a small smile creep across his face. Since Voldemort was dead, they didn't have to be Death Eaters anymore and were free to live without fear. Their entire demeanors had changed as a result, but Lucius still kept his stern aura. "Your letter..." Hermione echoed.

"I knew it wasn't from Harry," George said, nudging Hermione.

"Why would you invite me here?" Hermione asked the Malfoys, confused.

"It's a long story," Narcissa sighed and motioned for Hermione and George to enter. They shared a wary look before stepping into the spacious mansion.

To Hermione's surprise, it looked extremely different than it did when she, Ron, and Harry were taken there just a few weeks ago. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, its previous dreary vibe replaced with a much happier one. The lights had an orange glow to them and illuminated the room in a cozy tone. There were several candles lining the walls, furthering the comforting feel. Lucius gestured to four empty armchairs facing each other. They were each designated with their own unique colour scheme; one was green and silver, one was red and gold, one was yellow and black, and the other was blue and bronze. It didn't take long for Hermione to realize that each chair represented a Hogwarts house. She and George raced towards the red and gold one, with Hermione just barely beating Weasley to it. He sat in the Hufflepuff chair beside her. Lucius sat in the Slytherin chair, which was directly in front of Hermione. She felt minor discomfort at his presence but kept reminding herself that he was different now, kinder now. Narcissa sighed as she sat in the chair next to him.

"Alright, the letter," she began, "I was driving Draco to the train station a few nights ago and coincidentally drove past that hotel that you were staying at. Draco noticed you in front of it looking quite sad. So, I decided, since we don't live too far away, that it would be a good idea to let you stay here for a bit."

Hermione didn't know what to feel. She was flattered but also still deathly confused. Draco had hated her his whole life and there was no way he would have agreed to this.

"Where is Draco?" was the first question that came to her mind for some strange reason.

"He went off to London for a few days but he'll be back tomorrow night," Lucius cut in. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Hermione answered, a tad flustered. She wasn't quite sure if she was comfortable with staying in the same house as the boy who hated her but she figured it would be worth staying the night since he wouldn't come home until the next day.

"Oh my, you two must be tired," Narcissa said as she checked the large analogue clock above their heads. It was nearing 5 A.M.

"Very," Hermione and George said in unison. "I'll show you to some guest rooms, then," Narcissa replied as she stood. Lucius stayed seated as his wife led George and Hermione upstairs. George claimed a plain guest room at the end of the hallway while Narcissa led Hermione to the opposite side.

"Now, we don't have any other spare bedrooms... unless you want to sleep in the dungeons," Narcissa joked.

"But you could stay in Draco's room for the time being," she continued.

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