Chapter 10 (H)

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Hermione observed her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't even recognize herself. The dress was floor length and figure hugging. It was made entirely of black satin and it glittered when the light hit it. It was strapless, with a sweetheart neck. Hermione wanted to sink into the shadows. This was the total opposite of her comfort zone. Bellatrix had worked her magic and twisted Hermione's hair up into an elaborate updo. Hermione's lips were painted deep red and she wore heels that made her several inches taller. Narcissa handed Hermione a satin eye mask with feathers adorning the edges. Hermione put it on and looked in the mirror again. Now she was unrecognizable.

Draco donned his black suit, but this was a different version of his traditional black suit. It was made of satin. Instead of opting for the usual black dress shirt underneath, Draco went for a white dress shirt. Similar to his dress robes at the Yule Ball all those years ago. Malfoy's platinum hair was parted differently than normal. Once he donned his mask, he looked like a totally different person.

Draco walked down the stairs, an air of confidence to his step. Many people were filing in through the front door. Malfoy could tell it was his mother greeting them. He would know her anywhere. Draco did a quick sweep of the room but there was no Hermione in sight.

"This is fun!" The voice of Bellatrix came from right behind Draco and he turned around.

"Would have been nice to have a bit more notice, time wise," Malfoy muttered.

"Just shut up and try and have a good time," Bellatrix said.

"You seem to be having an amazing time." Draco noticed a tall man walk in the door, a baby in his arms.

"Yes. I am a free woman tonight-- no babies, no salty husbands, I think I'll just live with you forever-- Draco."

"Trixie," the man who had just walked in the door was now right behind Bellatrix.

"RUDOLPH?!" Bella shrieked. The man thrust the baby into Bellatrix's arms. Draco quickly escaped, not wanting to be caught in the middle of whatever was about to happen over there. Malfoy took a glass of pumpkin juice in a champagne glass from a passing waiter. Draco's parents certainly knew how to throw a party, that was for sure. Over a hundred people milled around outside of the ballroom-- more than a hundred were also in the ballroom. Malfoy knew that many of his fellow Hogwarts students were there-- too bad it was a masquerade ball and everyone was masked. Malfoy had no idea where to go so he just walked into the ballroom. A full orchestra was playing, people were dancing. Malfoy realized the irony of this being the beginning of the night while it was already three in the morning. For some strange reason, not a soul in the room looked remotely tired. Draco stood against a pillar, twirling his wand between his fingers out of boredom. All of a sudden, Draco's wand slipped between his fingers to the floor. He picked it up, but he didn't break his stare at her.

She walked through the ballroom doors. Her black dress glittering under the chandelier light.

Draco Malfoy was speechless. He had no idea who it could be.

Hermione Granger was speechless. She had no idea who he was. She made her way across the ballroom floor, aching to get a better look at him.

He made his way across the ballroom floor, desperate to see her.

Draco Malfoy was stunned. His eyes were fixed upon her. Her eyes were fixed upon him.

Neither of them knew who the other was, but the two of them were utterly infatuated with each other.

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