Chapter 9 (A)

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Hermione sat in her room for hours before deciding to finally get up and do something. She hovered over to the guest bedroom's closet, where her masquerade dress resided. Narcissa had to do quite a bit of convincing in order for Hermione to choose it as it was not her normal style at all. Hermione scrunched her nose as she looked at it, silently regretting choosing it. She sighed deeply and opted to go downstairs and ask Narcissa for a different dress. Just as Hermione opened the door, however, her eyes were met with Draco's. Though he said nothing, Hermione could tell that he was nervous about something.

"What is it this time?" she looked up at him and put her hands on her hips.

"I need you to help me with something," Malfoy urged.

Hermione looked at him intently.

"Can you help me practice my dancing for the masquerade?" Draco finally asked.

"Judging by your dancing skills at the Yule Ball, I'm sure you don't need any practice," Hermione said, gripping the door handle to close it.

"The Yule Ball was years ago," Draco said, his hand meeting Hermione's on the doorknob. Normally, she would have said no, but Hermione was developing a strange urge to be with Draco.

"Okay, okay. I'll help you," she finally agreed. Draco's worried expression broke into a smile and he led her down to the ballroom.

Hermione felt out of place wearing her casual hoodie and jeans in the midst of such a formal room. The entire space was lit by three large chandeliers overhead. One wall was decorated with multiple big windows while the others were white with rich gold detailing.

"Draco, this room is stunning," Hermione fawned.

"It's okay, I guess," Draco responded. He wasn't too interested in the room... he was much more interested in getting to dance with Hermione. In a swift movement, he took her hand and spun her around.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one helping you," Hermione laughed as Draco pulled her in.

"I guess I've still more skill than I thought I did," Draco smirked. Hermione rolled her eyes and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, her other hand in his. They moved around the room awkwardly at first but quickly got the hang of it. After about an hour and a half, they were doing lifts and dips, laughing joyfully as they danced.

"I think you're gonna be just fine at the masquerade," Hermione said, letting go of Draco.

"Same to you," he responded while running a hand through his hair. He brought his other hand to his face to look at his watch and his eyes instantly grew wider.

"We've got to go get ready," he exclaimed, "the ball starts in an hour."

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