Chapter 4 (H)

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Hermione changed and then went to bed immediately, falling asleep the second her head hit the pillow. Draco's bed was ridiculously comfortable.

On the bottom floor of Malfoy Manor, the back door slowly opened. Draco shut it behind him. He was going to send an owl to his parents to tell them that he'd be home a day early but he assumed that they'd be asleep at the hour he left. Draco quietly went upstairs, careful to be noiseless. He reached his bedroom door and quietly turned the knob. Once he had entered, he shut the door behind him and sighed. He dropped his luggage on the ground and took off his suit jacket, letting it slip to the floor. Malfoy made his way to the mirror mounted above his large mahogany dresser. He messed with his hair for a minute before starting to unbutton his shirt.

"DracoyoushouldreallyknowthatIamhere," Hermione squeaked. Draco spun around and let out a little yell.

"GRANGER?" Shock crossed Malfoy's face. Hermione was hugging Draco's thick duvet up to her neck.

"How did your parents not tell you that I was coming??" Hermione asked, a scared expression on her face.

"I DON'T KNOW?" Draco accused. "Why are you here? And in my bed?!"

"I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS COMING HERE SO DON'T BLAME ANY OF THIS ON ME!" Hermione yelled. Just then, the door burst open.

"What do we have here?" Bellatrix Lestrange stood in the doorway. George rushed down the hallway and ended up in the doorway beside Bellatrix. He gaped at her, as did Hermione.

"AUNTIE?" Draco yelled. Lucius and Narcissa rushed into Draco's room.

"Bella?!" Lucius inquired, ignoring everyone else.

"Can someone please explain what on earth is going on?" George asked, laughing.

"I second Weasley." Draco said. "WEASLEY?!" Malfoy looked at George in utter confusion.

"I decided to come stay over for a couple of weeks, leave baby Delphi with Rudolphus for a while. Babies are exhausting. Anyways I heard yelling so I came up here." Bellatrix looked almost bored.

"Why on earth did you come here at this hour?" Narcissa asked.

"Had to sneak away, left a note. Didn't tell poor old Ruldolph that he was resident babysitter for the next little bit. I knew he would put up a fuss, Delphi not being his an all. He honestly detests the child." Bellatrix picked at the underneath of her fingernails with her wand, still looking bored. Hermione let out a snort and Malfoy looked at her. Narcissa then sighed.

"We invited Hermione to come, after you saw her in the hotel," Narcissa paused. "I don't know why George is here actually come to think of it..."

"I drove Mione," George said.

"Well then, now that we know everything, I'm going back to bed," Lucius left the room. Narcissa, George, and Bellatrix followed-- Bellatrix closing the door behind her. Draco was still confused.

"Uhhh," Hermione said. Draco whipped around and then looked at the ceiling in exasperation.

"This is chaos," Malfoy breathed.

"Tell me about it," Hermione huffed back.

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