Chapter 11 (A)

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The pair didn't break eye contact as they met in the middle of the ballroom. Though they said nothing, they felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime. Draco firmly placed a hand on the small of Hermione's back while she placed one of hers on his shoulder. Malfoy interlocked his other hand in hers and they began to waltz across the ballroom. The music that they were dancing to wasn't particularly exciting, but there was an undeniable energy that buzzed between the two as they made their way around the room. Hermione let out a small gasp as Draco moved both hands to her back and lifted her up in the air. Once her feet were back on the ground, he gave her a spin and pulled her in close. Their faces stayed inches apart for a few moments, breathing heavily from the dancing. Draco then gave Hermione a final dip and the two of them were met with a roar of applause. Hermione grabbed Draco's hand and bowed while Malfoy looked at her in awe. He needed to find out who she was. When Hermione came back up from her bow, she directed her eyes to the masked man who she had just danced with. She needed to find out who he was. He mouthed the words follow me before pulling her out of the room.

Draco guided her through the bustling crowd still congregating outside of the ballroom and led her out the door. The moon was full, coating the bushes in a shimmering silver light. Malfoy stopped at a large fountain in the middle of the garden and sat. Hermione sat next to him, noticing that their hands were still intertwined.

"You seem to know this place like the back of your hand," she said.

Draco ran a hand through his hair, reverting it to his usual parting.

"Well, I have lived here my whole life," he chuckled.

"Draco?" Hermione gasped.

"You sound horrified," Malfoy said as he surveyed her shocked face.

Hermione slowly removed her mask to reveal her identity.

To her surprise, the expression that crossed Draco's face wasn't disgust-he almost looked relieved. Hermione waited for him to say something, but he stayed completely silent. For one reason or another, Hermione felt compelled to reach over and take his mask off. Now, it wasn't just a mystery boy and girl. It was Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. And Hermione didn't have the time to process anything else before Draco reached out to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. He gave her a look and leaned in when Bellatrix's voice loudly echoed through the air. "YOU TAKE MY BABY BACK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" she yelled.

"NO! THAT CHILD IS A DISGRACE TO THE LESTRANGE NAME... JUST LIKE YOU!" Rudolph's voice sounded through the door.

"I think we should probably go now," Draco said.

Hermione nodded quickly and they rushed back inside through the backyard to avoid Bellatrix and her husband.

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