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God, think! I yelled at myself. I was losing air. I paused from my thinking to look at my Wally. He was staring at me instead of thinking on how to get out of this ship that was filling up with water. I raised my hands up in a 'what' formation. He took my hand in his and squeezed. I squeezed back. I tensed up from the pain of not having enough air in me. Aqualad came up to us. "Stay calm, I'll get you guys out of here." He told us. I nodded hoping he would get us out in time. Wally then grabbed and hugged me. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "I love you." He mouthed. He then put his lips on mine and gave me his last breath. I tried to reject it so he could live, but my body had longed for more air. My subconscious took it without my permission. 

 His hands left my waist. I looked at him, my eyes wide in fear of losing him. I saw Wally's eyes closing as he was sinking to the bottom of the ship. "Wally!" I tried to yell, but I didn't have enough air. I was thrown about and saw Superboy holding Megan over his shoulders and Wally on the left side of him. Artemis came up to me and lead me out of the ship. She then threw me onto land, I saw Superboy throw Wally out of the water. I landed on my stomach which would have knocked the air out of me if I had air. I started to cough violently. Water was coming out of my lungs. 

 Wally ran up to me. "T-thank god you're alive." He whispered. I gave him my best glare. He looked at me confused. As soon as I had my air back I snapped at him. "What the hell were you thinking?! You, you don't just give me your last freaking breath! You were dying!! If it wasn't for Superboy you would still be down there! Why? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?" I screamed. "I-"  I cut him off. "No! Save it. I don't want to hear it." I walked off knowing I was about to cry. 

 I already lost my parents, I can't lose him as well. "Robin! I did that because I would have felt so much better dying if I knew I had saved you!" I froze and spun around faster then I thought possible. I pointed a finger at his toned chest. "You know what would've happened to me if you died! Just no! Don't ever do that to me again!" I yelled. I fell to the ground, sobs racking my body. "Rob..." Wally whispered. He sat and engulfed me in a hug. "God, Wally. I love you to damn much to lose you." I cried into my boyfriends shoulder. "I feel the exact same way." He told me. We just sat there in each others arms. 

 We were interrupted by Batman. "Robin. Enough romance. Get back to work." He said in his scarest voice. I knew to well that I should fear that voice, but I didn't. I worked along side him for to long to fear that voice. I get up sniffling. "You got it Bats." I said in a voice that people can't recognize as my 'I'm so tough nothing hurts me' voice. Wally stands up slowly eyeing me when I use that voice. I think we were the only ones on the line. "Rob-" I, once again, cut my Wally off. "I'm fine." I say in the same voice. He nods. Aqualad speaks up. "Alright so here is what we do."


  I'm hiding in the forest when I heard footsteps behind me.  I whipped around getting into a fighting stance, not hitting just in case it was Wally. I heard a wicked chuckle. "Well, well, well. Looks like I found the little birdy." I heard Cheshire say. I saw her crouched by a bush. "Hey, by any chance you know where Artemis is?" She asked. "Sorry, no." I replied and threw a birdarang at her. She dodged it quickly. "Are you sure you want to go with that answer?" She asked me with her all to clam voice. "If you're lying your little boyfriend will pay." She crackled. "What do you mean?" I asked, feeling panic rise up in my stomach. "I'm saying that Klarion has your little boy toy and if you don't tell me where that little spy of ours is, then you might as well say good-bye." She laughed. 'Wait- what do you mean by 'spy'?" 

 She jumped away. "Follow me." I ran after her in the dark panicking for the life of my Wally... Again. As soon as I find him I need to talk. That kid has to seriously stop almost dying. She stopped at a wooden cabin and entered, leaving the door open for me to follow. Once I get in I see a fire going and a green chair in the middle of the room. No wall decorations, no pictures, nothing. "What is-" I was thrown into the chair. "Tell me where Artemis is or I will kill your Kid Flash myself."

 She said that as she tied me to the chair and gagged me. Then she walked over to a closet door and opened it. What I saw shocked me. There he was, my baby. The love of my life was tied to a wooden chair he was gagged with a white cloth that was stained red from his blood. His left eye was all swollen and purple. His nose and lip had a trail of blood underneath it. His body was hunched over and his yellow and red suite was torn to reveal deep wounds. 

 "Holy shit." I tried to say but the gag stopped me. "Now do you see? I can do much worse then this. Trust me. Oh no wait- sorry, I lied. I promised the Joker that he would be able to see the little birdy cry." She laughed as if this was the best thing ever. I slipped a knife into my hand and started cutting the rope. As soon as I had cut through it someone made the knife dig into my wrist. I jumped back and hurled into a ball. I took the gag off and looked at my wrist. I have about 45 seconds before I pass out from loss of blood. I stood up and saw Cheshire and the Joker standing there. Ches had her knife and Joker had his crow-bar. "Bring it bitches." 


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