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                                                                                     5 years later

There they were at the edge of a cliff, looking at the most beautiful land scape ever. At the base of the cliff was the most amazing ocean that lined up well with the island that was in the far distance. Dick had felt Wally stiffen and he turned to face his boyfriend of 6 years. "What's wrong babe?" Dick asked. Wally smiled and muttered a 'nothing'. Dick nodded, but look as if he didn't believe him. "You do know I was trained by the greatest detective right?" Dick told his speedsteer. Wally smirked. "Some how that turned me on." Dick just laughed and kissed him tenderly. He was cut off by Wally walking away from the kiss. "Walls?" 

  Dick and Wally both felt a ring in their front pocket weighing them down. Both at the same time took out the ring and got down on one knee. They both laughed. "Well, this was so not expected." Wally said while laughing. "You go first." Dick told his soon to be fiance. "Richard, we have been best friends for twelve years. We have been a couple for half of those twelve years. I have to say I absolutely love you. I have supported you when you decided to become Nightwing. I would love to be with you for the rest of my life. To take care of you when you become sick, when you get sad, when you get pissed and punch the wall, when you love me with all your heart. Everything. I want to take all of that, all of your "imperfections"," he used qoutation marks there, "and make them mine. Forever and ever. So will you please, Richard Grayson, do me the honors and marry me?" 

  Dick ginned and started his speech. "Wallce West. Where do I even start? There is so much about you that I absolutely adore. I love everything you hate about your self. Everything. I love how you fight, how you always have an adorable comment up your sleeve. How you were always a flirt even when it came to me. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you... so the short version: Will you marry me?" Dick smirked as he already knew the answer and watched as his  boyfriends eyes lit up the world. 

  He jumped up and threw himself onto Dick. He hugged back. Wally immeditly stepped back and took Dicks left hand. He soon put a ring on his fourth finger that had this perfect green emerald on top. The color went well with his eyes. Dick gave him a ring that had a blue crystle on his. They both started at the rings in awe. 

 "God, I love you." They both whispered as they kissed the night away. 

A/N: The end. I know it is really cheesy, but this book got really stressfull when the order got all screwed up. So I'm so sorry for the shity ending, but this thing gave me really bad anxiety and I just wanted it over with. I'm writting a much better Birdflash on Google Docs. I really hope you liked it and once again I am so sorry for the confusion of the order of the book and the crappy ending. I love you all and thanks for the support. 

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