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 After I ran up the stairs and into my room I sat on my floor next to the window once again. I was hugging my knees and rocking back and forth, some what freaking out. "Stop being so stupid. You do not like him that way. You two have been friends forever...Don't mess it up." I sighed. Megan called up the stairs, "Wally! The cake is ready!" I'm so confused on what my heart is doing to me. "If you do anything stupid it will ruin your friendship  forever. You will not be able to live without him... So just stop feeling this way..." I talked to myself. I put my head on my knees, trying not to cry. It was clear as crystal that I had feelings for Wallace West. No... I cannot be in love with my best friend. I know for a fact that he is straight. He knows it, I know it, so why can't my heart  get it? He will never, never feel the same. Tears escaped my eyes and I took off my glasses. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I have to fall in love with this perfect, amazing boy? I cried myself to sleep in that  corner.

  A knock on my door stirred me from my sleep. "Hmm, what is it?" I asked groggily. "It's Kaldar." Said a voice on the otherside of the door. "Mmmm, come in.." I forgot that I took off my glasses and I tried to open my eyes, but someone stopped me. "Rob, don't... Not unless you want me to know your identity." w-what was he talking about? I felt on the ground and found my glasses. I slipped them on and opened my eyes. Kaldar and Wally were in my room looking at me with worried eyes. "What is going on?" They shared a glance and Wally did a small nod. "You were screaming in your sleep." Kaldar said. "What was I screaming?" I asked scared I said something about liking Wally. "You screamed, "You should have let the Joker kill me! Why didn't you? I wouldn't have had to go through this pain of loving him! Let Joker kill me next time he has the chance!"" W-what? W-what? I was shocked. I said that? I was to shocked to say anything. 

 "I'll let you two talk..." Kaldar said as he left the room. Wally made eye contact with me. "Rob, after that you can not look me in the eye and say nothing is going on with you. Spill." I froze. I could not breath. I felt as if my world was going to fall apart. "I-I had a nightmare." I hope he doesn't see through the kind of lie. "I know something has been bothering you lately... I'm not sure it's just the nightmare. Who is the one giving you the pain? Who is he?" He is You. Please just share my feelings please. I said nothing and walked out the door. I continued walking untill I left the cave and even then I continued to walk.

Robin and Kidflash ❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें