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I smiled as Wally pulled me into the kitchen. He can be so foolish sometimes. I find it insanely cute, of course I did. We were in the kitchen when he was scavenging for junk food. "How have you lived this long?" I asked. "What do you mean Rich-Dick- I mean Rob!" He finally got out. "I mean all you eat is junk food. That cannot be healthy." He grinned as he shrugged his shoulders, winking. "You are the detective." he muffled. "Yes I am, but seriously I'm starting to get worried..." Why was I getting so worried about his health? Oh. That's why. I'm afraid that if he gets really sick he won't be able to recover and I might lose him just like I lost my parents. I can't go through with that pain again... "Dick, don't freak out so much, I'm fine. You won't lose me." It was just like he read my mind. "You really need to learn to keep your thoughts in your head." He laughed. "So you heard all of that?" He grinned. "Yes I did. It is very sweet you care so much." He said in a mocking a girl tone. I laughed. I can always count on him to make me smile.

  I took my glasses from my pockets and put them on. "Oh come on babe! I love seeing your eyes!" He whined. I shook my head in a 'no', smiling from being called  babe once again. It made my heart swell when he did that. I raised an eyebrow, so he continued. "They are the perfect shade of bright gorgeous blue! They go so well with your charcoal colored hair an-" I interrupted him. "Fine, I'll tell everyone else my identity...But Batman can NOT know about this, understood?" He nodded violently. I let my tension leave my body. God, I hope he knows that I love him... A lot. "I do now." He winked, I couldn't help it so I grinned.

  In a flash (pun intended) he was right by my side, looking down just a little bit. I wish I had my growth spurt already. He put one of his hands on my waist and the other on the tip of my chin, making me look up. He removed his one hand from my chin and took off my glasses, putting them on the counter. He then put his remaining hand on the other side of my waist and I put my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me, but when he was half way there I stood on my tippy toes and made his lips meet mine. They were really soft and warm. When he kissed me it made me feel like I had my own fourth of July going on right inside my stomach. We started to kiss more passionately. Soon though, we had to breath. I was seriously about to damn those lungs of ours to Hell. He opened his mouth, but never leaving mine as we panted. "I love you so much Richard John Grayson." He mumbled. "I love you so very much Wallace Rudolph West." I smiled. He grinned.

 "Whoa, okay I'm just gonna go back upstairs..." We were interrupted by Artemis. I blushed deeply. "No, wait... I have something to tell the team." I said still having my arms around Wallys neck. "O-okay..." She said heading to the couch. "Hold on." Wally whispered. He super speeded and within a second everyone was down stairs, he then went  back to his spot with his hands on my waist. I smiled and turned so that my hand was now on his back. "So the reason why Wally called you down here is because I have something to tell the team." I, well everyone, heard Artemis snort. "Let me guess... You're pregnant?" I just stared, I think everyone did... "No... It's my identity." Everyone stared. "The only way I can do this is if you swear on your life that Batman doesn't find out, okay?" They all murmered the 'I swears' as hoped. I took a deep breath. 

 "My name is Richard John Grayson and I am know as Robin and my boyfriend is Wallace West."

Robin and Kidflash ❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora