Wally's profile

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As soon as mine and Rob's hands touched I felt a spark. I looked up and met Robin's covered eyes, I smiled. I wish he would take of his sunglasses. I wondered what his eyes looked like, maybe see if they are just as great as his personality. Whoa, where did that come from? That is so not me. I snuck a look at Rob. "Um, excuse me" He stood up and left. Fear struck me. What if he had heard that last thought? What should I do if he did? Thoughts racked my brain, making my head spin. Wally, let him have his space. I thought. He will come back when he was ready, right? I asked myself.

After a few hours passed and he still didn't come back. I was beginning to get worried. It wouldn't hurt to make sure he was okay, right? I get up and head upstairs to Robins room.

I get there and take a breath, preparing for the worst. I knocked on his door. After a few seconds, he opened the door. He looked surprised when he opened the door. "Hey, um, did I say or do something to make you leave?" I leaned against the doorframe and ruffled my hair which I only do when I'm worried. "What? No. You didn't do anything to make me leave." I looked up only to meet those stupid sunglasses of his. "Promise?"  "I promise" Robin told me as he smiled. I smiled back and asked if he still need help on his science homework. "Oh, crap! Yes, please! You will literaly be my life saver!" I grinned at him. "Well come on then."

  As we walked down the hall way I playfully nudged him in his shoulder. He did the same to me. Each time we nudged each other, I felt a jolt of electricity. I liked but was confused by it. I know by science that when someone is attracted to another chemical changes happen and electricty gets built up and connects with the other person. But I'm not gay, right? I have always found girls attractive. Never have I thought about guys in that way or form... But I did when Rob left, I did that when I thought that his eyes might be as great as his personality. I looked back on everytime we were together. No matter what we always stand right next to each other, when Rob isn't with me I always call him over. No matter what I'm always with him...Its weird not being by his side. I long just to have him near me. Is it possible that I really do like him in that way? 

 "Wally. Wally. Earth to my  Wally." Robin said as he waved his hand in front of my  face. Wait- Did he just say "My Wally?"  I don't know why, but when he said that it made my heart flutter. "Your Wally?" I asked with a grin and rasied eyebrows. He turned red. "Did I say that? I, um, I ment, uh, Wally, just Wally, sorry..." He looked away. My smile dropped. But I looked up, smiled and playfully punched his arm. He looked up. "It's all good. We all do that here and there." He smiled and looked back down at his book. 

For about 20 minutes I stayed with Rob as he finished in case he had anymore questions. During that time I thought about how much it hurt when he brushed off the whole 'my Wally' thing. In a way I think i did want to become his Wally... Oh no... Please no. Last time I loved or even liked someone I lost them. I can not have that happen to me again. I can not fall for Robin. No. Absolutly not going to happen.

"Hey, I'm done with my science homework. Could you check to see if I at least got half of them right?" Rob asked me. "Of course."

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