Chapter Ten~The Injury.

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"He's What?!" Lily yelled pale in fear.

"Unconscious. Took a Bludger to the head." Remus responded with a look of sympathy.

Lily, despite not feeling as romantic towards Potter in the recent weeks, immediately sprang up to make her way to the hospital wing. He was one of her friends. One of these days, she feared an accident would turn fatal. After all they were at Hogwarts, which was infamous for it's greater than normal casualty rates.

As she entered the hospital wing, there were only a few beds occupied. She recognized the tall older figures of her friends, compared to the small first years. She made her way to the far end of the room.

"Hey Lils." Sirius greeted, looking up from his gaze on James.

"Is he alright?"

"He's fine."

Lily didn't know how to respond to this. She shifted awkwardly, until she carefully moved to sit down on the foot of the cot. "You can go, if you'd like. I think I'll stay here for the night."

"Lily, he'll be alright. And it is unfair for you to stay the entire night when Remus and I are completely capable-"

"It is not about who is capable!" She interjected sharply. "I care for him just the same." It was silent then. Sirius refused to continue to argue against her decision. She glanced to him, regretting it as she was caught in his blue eyes. They were oddly calculating. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing." He supplied.

"You're thinking about something. I can tell."

"You told me a while ago, some things are better left unsaid."

Lily took his words in understanding. She let out an uncomfortable sigh, and turned to look at James instead.

They both recognized the sound of the door. It was Remus accompanied by Alice. "Not too many visitors. Potter needs his rest."

"I'll go." Sirius spoke in assurance to the exhausted mediwitch.

Lily eyed him, as he covered the distance to the doors, his strides long and self assured.

She looked to Remus who was watching her carefully. She raised an eyebrow to his knowing look yet again. "I'll be back in a moment." She accepted his hug, then made to exit the wing.

Why she followed him she hadn't the slightest logical answer. It was the same force that had drawn her to accompany him on the astronomy tower a fortnight ago. When she caught up to him, she found it odd he was heading to the dungeons.

She had to run down a stairwell with quite haste in attempts to keep up with him. In doing so she lost her footing, and with an ugly display, faceplanted onto the corridor floor.

Likewise, she was being pulled upwards to stand on her feet, and tentatively looked up into the features of his face. He was suppressing a smirk to a great degree. "Now honestly Lils, we don't need two of ours in the hospital wing."

She gave him a pointed look. "I'm perfectly alright."

"You followed me?" He pointed out.

"No, I was just,—and so what if I was?"

"It gives me reason to believe-"

"Believe what?" She tested, asking yet another stupid question she never needed the answer to yet would always heed.

"You know how I feel. I will not torture you so blatantly, in admitting something you refuse to accept."

"There is nothing to accept Sirius. That is just it. I need no reason to follow you. It is not suspicious either that I follow you. We are friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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