Chapter Six~Two Way

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"Under here

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"Under here." Sirius ordered, and Lily willingly obeyed as the rain was starting to give her a chill.

They had made it down the muddy slope, to The Quidditch pitch, and instead of sitting in the stands, stood under the shelter that the base of the stairway provided. 

Running a hand through his wet hair, Lily observed, and then politely casted a drying spell on him. 

"Thanks Lil."  He said, but the normal smile she had gotten used to over the summer was gone.  He also seemed to be paying all his attention on the players on the pitch.

After an awkward silence, wich was growing to bothersome to ignore Lily attempted a conversation. "So Sirius?" She questioned.

He was folding his arms, and looked down at her, eyes meeting hers with being adressed.

"I've been getting the feeling things have been, weird between us. Like the last few days of summer where we were partners in crime never existed."

"Partners in crime?" He asked outright laughing at her statement.

But the laughter was contagious causing her to smile. "Yes I suppose." She said, embarrassed at ever saying such a thing.

"No Lils, I promise you're still my number one, and I also feel very sorry for you that you have to put up with the lot of us for as long as you have."

"Right." She nodded, but she felt he was just reassuring her.

"So Evans, being a witch and all, if you had to rate me on attractiveness, what would it be?"

Lily's eyes grew wide, and then she groaned into her hand, realizing the same old Sirius was back. "That's a hard one to answer." She said simply, looking back out at the pitch.

"Yeah? No but really....what do you think?"

"Well shouldn't every kiss blown at you in the corridors be any answer to your question?"

He grinned at her, and the two both let out a laugh, at the ridiculous conversation they were having.

Eventually practice had ended, and James clapped Sirius on the back, inviting him to the locker rooms, but Lily quickly remembered she had to meet Remus in the library so excused herself back to the school.

"Hello Remus."  She greeted, sitting down at the table he was sitting at in the library. 

"Hi, umm, actually Lily, I'll have to leave in about fifteen minutes." 

"What?  But we were going to revise the charm essay for-".

"I'm sorry." He apologized, looking up at her with eyes filled with complete guilt.  He was fiddling with his quill, something he did when he was nervous. 

"It's fine. Pardon me of asking though, exactly what you have to do instead."

He didn't answer. Instead he started scribbling on his essay. "Just um, meeting up with the boys."

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