Chapter Three~Filch's office.

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Lily Evans. She had the most dedication and focus that nobody else had to a certain task.  The  task, was her schoolwork.  She was so utterly concentrated, despite the rest of the rooms' chatter. 

Sirius sat at the back of the class, twirling his quill in his fingers.  He found himself starring at the girl.  How was it he had known her for six years, and still knew hardly anything about her? 

"Ughh, I cannot believe he's in this class!" James remarked under his breath. 

"Who?" Sirius questioned still watching Lily.


Sirius looked over towards whom James was referring to.  A pale boy, with long black matted hair.  No doubt they never got along, but it was nothing surprising. 

"What's it matter mate?  He isn't doing anything."  

"Yet." James replied glaring at the boy. "Sure enough he'll be asking Lily for help on his homework." 

"Ooooo! Sounds like someone's jealous."

"Of course I am. Anyone that talks to her I practically want to murder." 

"Come on, that wouldn't do any good now would it. It's hard to get with a girl if you've got yourself locked up in Azkaban."

Sirius was all of a sudden nudged in the rib. "Ey! What was that for?"  He grumbled holding a hand to his side. 

"Look, they're looking at you again."  James pointed out, and all of a sudden it was clear half the class, and that was all the females, were drooling over him. 

Instinctually he ran a hand through his hair and winked.  The result, a low murmur of sighs from all the lovesick girls. 

"Mr. Black!" The Profesor called in a scornful voice. 

"Yes?" He responded politely, Attention now on the murderous look McGonagal was giving him from behind her glasses.

"Is there something wrong with your eye?" She asked, the rest of the class snickering. 

"No ma'am." He, said grinning, as even Lily was paying attention now.

"Well, I hope not." She warned, and then dropped the matter.

Thankfully the class had ended, also bringing an end to the first day of lessons.

"I can't believe how strict she is. I mean come on, he did nothing wrong." James complained as they let out into the corridor.

Lily fell into step with the boys. "She is harmless honestly James. Besides, he was being-distracting." She concluded placing the word.

"Hey, you think I'm distracting Evans?" Sirius intruded.

"All I'm saying is you could contain your charming rituals until after class."

"Is that what you'd call them?"

She was flustered now, walking at a rather quick pace, but she slowed down to avoid peeves zipping down the other half of the corridor. "Well actually I've seen them. How was your train ride anyway?" She retorted, not expecting him to answer.

Sirius frowned that she had not dropped the incident. Clearly it bothered her more than she let on.

"Where you going?" James asked concerned as she was gaining distance from them.

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