Chapter Nine ~The Map That Leads to You

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Lily made to avoid Sirius at all costs the next few days, which was difficult given he was in her immediate friend group.  That being said, outside of classes where she was forced upon his presence, she spent quite a deal in the library or random locations about the castle.  She strategically ate meals in the kitchens when she could.  It was as her fingers graced an apple did she sigh realizing she couldn't go on like this.  Avoidance; her original solution, was hurting more than helping. 

"Lily." James greeted, and she dropped the apple she was holding. 

"What is it Potter?"She huffed, kneeling down to retrieve the fruit despite her ability to accio such apple to her hand.

"We've been watching you on the map. We're concerned about how you've been spending your time."  He spoke calmly, as though this wasn't an intervention speech. 

"Right, I haven't meant to neglect you, it's just I'm really bu-"

"Busy." James offered.

Lily lifted her eyes to his own, trying to hide the guilt behind them. "Tell you what. How about the two of us go to the lake this afternoon?" 

"Just the two of us?"  James asked, insulted by the exclusion of his entourage.

"Well you don't suppose the lot would find us snogging entertaining?" She quipped. He moved to grab her in his arms, but she brushed passed him. "Meet you at seven."

She stalked out of the kitchen and decided she would have to retire to the library, that is they wouldn't be suspicious of her copious amounts of time spent at the library.  On the way, her suggestion to have a snog with Potter came crashing back. 'Moron' she lamented herself and let out a self sewn sigh.

Suddenly a figure was running at a sprint down the corridor and came to a halt once his eyes landed on Evans. "Did er, James get you to come round?"

Lily flashed her eyes in scolding. "Ten points for running in the corridor." She spoke.

"What!" He said exasperated. He moved quickly in front of her looking down into her eyes with plead. "Lily, we are all—I'm concerned about you. I was coming to see you, and you're just going to take points—"

"You're lucky I don't confiscate that map!" She spoke hotly. She was not going to listen to James or Sirius's whining today.

"Lily we are your friends." He spoke quickly in attempt to block her as she tried to pass him.

"I know." She said, and he seemed relieved. "But that doesn't entitle you to prevent me from studying. I really have to go." Lily continued on as Sirius seemed content at the moment of letting her go.

She heard the muffled conversation of James now entering the corridor and greeting his best mate.

"How'd you do it?" Sirius asked.

"Was her. Wanted to meet alone at the lake if you know what I mean."

The two started to break out into boyish giggles, to which she looked over her shoulder. "Changed my mind Potter." She yelled across the distance. "I only kiss those who don't tell."

Later that evening, James was moping in result of Lily's words. She sat comfortably in an arm chair, playing a game of wizarding chess with Remus. She did not notice the comic smoldering duo behind her however.

Remus glanced up, Sirius and James gaining his attention by gesturing some sort of unreadable charades.

Lily narrowed her eyes, looking at Remus skeptically. "What are you staring at?" She glanced over her shoulder, to see an empty common room.

"The map!, we need the map!" Sirius mouthed to Remus, who still was trying to decipher their silent cries of help. As Lily turned her head once more, they ducked again under the cloak.

Remus shook his head, not keen on aiding their mischief this particular evening. The game continued, and the pair crept closer, now attempting to grab the piece of parchment that rested on the floor near Lily's foot.

She rolled her eyes, took one inhale to prevent herself from exploding, then stood up sharply whilst picking up the item. "Black, Potter-" She announced with her arms folded. "What are you doing?"

The cloak was then discarded, revealing the two Gryffindors. "How did you know we were there?" James asked afronted.

Sirius chuckled. "She read the map. How smart Evans." He commented, whilst leaning forward to try and read the dots.

"I am keeping it. You lot are enough trouble as it is without it."

"She's right." Remus defended, and she owed him an appreciative glance.

James arm reached around her shoulder, pulling her towards him in attempt to actually makeout the writing. She in turn, smacked him in the chest with the piece of parchment. "Bugger off. Honestly."

Lily kept the sacred item with her, placing it on her bedside as she turned in for the night. Though for some reason she could not feign sleep. She blamed the anxiousness on her arithmacy exam the following morning, but she knew the only thing in her mind was them. How was it during the day she could rightfully loathe the gits, but at night, her wandering thoughts sold out her feelings, and she was forced to face them.

She grabbed the map, spotted his name. She convinced herself three times not to do it. And yet, a quarter of an hour later, there she was, briskly moving down the corridor on route to the astronomy tower. The wind lightly blew her strands of red hair, and she shivered slightly.

"What's keeping you up?" She asked kindly, sitting next to him. She outstretched the map to him, answering his initial question on how she found him. "Take it." She ordered.

"But Lils."

"No-I don't mind if you have it. It's just James has been on my nerves lately. I cannot let him think he has any chance of construing mayhem."

He nodded, grimaced sympathetically, and then the silence drew. It was uncomfortable, so he made to break it. "Regulas. He said I was a dissapointment for an older brother. Said I was having my fame, full of myself. The little tyke doesn't get it."


"That they're the wrong side." He laughed. "I don't mind my brother calling me out on being a pompous arse. I may be egotistical, more confident than most...but I'm not predjudice like all of them."

Lily grinned, looking to her lap.


"Nothing." She whispered. "It's just you two are like pride and predjudice. You've always had your pride, and likewise Regulus is well..."

"I don't get it."

"You didn't grow up on muggle authors now did you?"

"Not true. I know, what's that guy's name. The English poet."

"Shakespeare?" Lily provided.

"Yeah, something about a forbidden romance."

They both grew silent. Then Lily interjected sharply. "Yes, but they both die."

She could have sworn he shifted away from her ever so slightly.

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