Chapter Seven~Whiles of Friendship

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"What are your loyalties to Potter?"

Lily looked over her book to Remus, smiling in confusion.  "Whatever do you mean, obviously I'm loyal."  She spoke.  "Am I not in Gryffindor?" 

"My apologies Lily, I didn't mean to be besmirching." 

"I'm sure you didn't."

"I only meant what are your feelings?"

Her smile faded looking at him.  Obviously she loved James, but recently in the dark hours of night, as she entered a world entirely of her own, a particular Gryffindor with dark black hair tended to slip into her dreams more often then she took a liking too. 

"You can talk to me you realize.  I tend to side with you over them anyways." 

She looked appreciative. "Thank you Remus, but nothing is wrong." 

Almost on cue Sirius entered the library.  Lily looked back to her book, trying to concentrate as he slid into the seat next to her. 

"What are you reading?" He asked reaching his arm around her to grab the book. 

"Our astronomy textbook.  We have a test tomorrow." 

"Well shoot." 

Lily looked back to Remus and noticed his look. Lily simply gave a foreboding glare, as to warn him not to keep pressing the matter.

"Would you help me with star charting again Lils?" 

Lily was now unnerved by Remus's comment.  Where she would normally help out a friend instantly, now it seemed as though she was committing a crime.  Though she wasn't.  She fidgeted in her seat, flipping the page of her book. "I suppose I can, but only for a bit."  She spoke dryly.

The lot was slightly confused as James now appeared through the library entrance, and they held their attention to him as he approached.

"Did you hear?!" He shouted excitedly, receiving a glare from the librarian.

"Hear what?" Remus asked tentatively.

James lowered his voice, still being glowered at from madam Pince. "The whole schools going to be in the great hall overnight."

"What!—Why?" Lily said in alarm.

"Something about the house portraits striking for rights, no one can get into the common rooms."

"Shoot, I left my Divination book in the dormitory, do you suppose The assignment will be marked late?" Lily said out loud, expressing her concern.

"There are copies in the back row." Remus mentioned, and Sirius watched her as she got up and ventured away in search of the textbook.

"Why does she look at me like that?" James questioned his eyes also following her retreating figure.  "Like I've done something horrible." 

"Cause you have. Remember what you said last week, in the corridor?"  Sirius reminded him.

James shook his head, and combed his hand through his thick brown hair. "Didn't think she'd be mad this long." 

"She'll come around." Sirius reassured. 

James looked to Sirius with a sudden look of anticipation. "Will you talk to her?"

"What?" Sirius asked, wondering if he had heard him right. 

"You know, get a sense of what she's actually peeved at with me."

"Er—alright. I suppose." 

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