Chapter Two~ Back to Hogwarts

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She rest her single suitcase down next to her feet. Being rather intelligent, she had shrunk all her books and belongings she would need for the year and packed them nicely into a trunk, embroidered with the initials L.E. Her black cat squirrelled in her arms, eager to jump loose and attempt to catch one of the birds sitting in the station's rafters.

"Oh Lily!" Her mother sung, and she fell into her embrace, patting the woman's back.

"Don't worry mum. I'll write often and will be home for the winter holidays."

"I'm so sorry about Petunia." Mrs. Evans spoke with saddened eyes.

"Don't." Lily ordered, not wanting her mother to cry. "Tuni has many other things to do. I really don't mind." She smiled at the thought of her sister here. The scowl on her face would be rather amusing.

She pecked her mother on the cheek once more, before walking through the brick wall. On the other side the platform was bustling with excitement. Students were running around, parents saying their goodbyes, and the mixed sound of chatter and squawks of owls created a different roar than on the muggle platform. She stared up at the red steam engine, smoke billowing into the air and catching the light from the glass ceiling overhead.

The whistle blew, causing her to jump back slightly. But she regained a normal heartbeat. She was later than a head girl was expected, so jumped on the train. She stifled through the many students walking up and down the train's corridor, and was relieved to finally see a familiar face. "Remus!" she said merrily, but he kept walking past her.

"I'll see you in a moment Lily, I'm going with Peter for a second." he explained while following after the other boy.

Lily relaxed her shoulders, drawing in a breathe. "alright." she replied, though he was already too far gone to hear.

She continued on, just in hope of a seat. Every compartment she had passed were full of students. Walking past an open compartment, the last before the next car, someone grabbed her waist, nearly causing her to scream as she was pulled within.

"James Potter!" She groaned.

"Who said it was him?" The deep voice asked. She turned around to face the person whom had captured her, and he dropped his hands.

"Oh it's you." She said realizing it was just Sirius.

"Don't sound so disappointed Evans." He sat down on one of the seats, leaning against his hand casually.

She copied him, sitting down as well after stowing her suitcase on the rack above. She was oblivious to his eyes, carefully watching her as she did so. It was rather dark in the compartment so she decided to ask. "Why is it so dark in here?"

"You afraid of the dark?" Sirius asked.

"No." She answered the pitch of her voice rising as if it was a stupid question. Even though it was.

She could hear him chuckle before he decided to actually answer her question. "I think the bulb is broken. Most likely why it was the only one empty."

"Well you have the curtains practically shut." She jumped up drawing them back. The countryside was already rolling by, it was strange that she hadn't noticed the train start to move. She sat back down, the sun now hitting her red hair and few freckles.

"You have changed." Sirius commented, causing her to look up. She had no idea what he meant by it, but simply shrugged.

"Not really?"

After that the two didn't really talk. It's not that they didn't have anything to say, but out of the marauders, Sirius and her were not ones to chat when only with each other. They simply enjoyed one another's presence. But this much silence? It was a bit strange, but she didn't pay much mind to it, and rather escaped into her book.

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